司马迁、定冠词(definite article)、奥林匹克(olympic)、《战国策》(the warring states stratagems)、组织液(tissue fluid)、有利于(beneficial to)、一部分(part)、盐湖城(salt lake city)、冬季奥运会(winter olympic games)、毛细血管前括约肌(precapillary sphincter)
[单选题]《战国策》的整理编订者是( )
A. 刘向
B. 左丘明
C. 司马迁
D. 战国史官
[单选题]The 19th Winter Games, held in Salt Lake City,________ an Olympic tradition which goes back almost 3,000 years.
A. is the part of
B. are the part of
C. is part of
D. are part of
[单选题]三个数0,30.7,log30.7的大小关系是( ) (A)0<30.7< log30.7(B)log30.7<0<30.7(C)log30.7<30.7<0(D)0< log30.7<30.7
A. B
[单选题]________at his model plane over the weekend,he didn’t complete it.
A. As he worked hard
B. Hard as he worked
C. How he worked hard
D. How hard he worked
[多选题]脾的主要韧带有 ( )
A. 胃脾韧带
B. 镰状韧带
C. 肝圆韧带
D. 脾肾韧带
E. 冠状韧带
[单选题]下列关于各类血管功能特点的叙述,正确的是( )
A. 毛细血管前括约肌(precapillary sphincter)属于毛细血管前阻力部分,交感缩血管纤维的分布极少
B. 主动脉和大动脉有弹性贮器的作用,使血液能在血管系统内匀速流动
C. 微静脉口径不变时,微动脉舒张有利于组织液进入血液
D. 静脉的舒缩活动是促使静脉血回流人心脏的主要动力
E. 毛细血管分支多,总的截面积大,容纳了循环血量的60%以上