供应链(supply chain)、系统管理(system management)
[单选题]Ocean transport use ()ships mostly.
A. Bulk
B. Container
C. Barge
[单选题]During the transfer process,()are needed.
A. Hardware such as logistics facilities and equipment (logistics carriers) are needed
B. Information control and standardization
C. Supports from the government and logistics association
D. All of them
[单选题]What is the meaning “cost-effective”? ()
A. cost reduce
B. cost increase
C. effective
D. efficient
[单选题]()has three parts: warehouse, high story shelf and stacker.
A. Multi-story warehouse
B. Automatic Multi-story-warehouse
C. Stereo-style warehouse
D. Stereoscopic warehouse
[单选题]() is based on logistics network, but more computerized and systematized than logistics operation
A. Virtual logistics
B. Imaginary logistics
C. Thinking logistics
D. Logistics planning
[单选题]SCM (Supply Chain Management)()
A. 供应系统管理
B. 供应链管理
C. 供应链
D. 供给链
[单选题]Zero stock is the best way for()
A. lost control
B. inventory control
C. storage cost control
D. warehouse cost control
[单选题]For small and medium-sized companies, those logistics management is still()
A. decentralized
B. centralized
C. integrated
D. concentrated