
Ocean transport use ()ships mostly.

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    供应链(supply chain)、系统管理(system management)

  • [单选题]Ocean transport use ()ships mostly.

  • A. Bulk
    B. Container
    C. Barge
    D. RO/RO

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  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]During the transfer process,()are needed.
  • A. Hardware such as logistics facilities and equipment (logistics carriers) are needed
    B. Information control and standardization
    C. Supports from the government and logistics association
    D. All of them

  • [单选题]What is the meaning “cost-effective”? ()
  • A. cost reduce
    B. cost increase
    C. effective
    D. efficient

  • [单选题]()has three parts: warehouse, high story shelf and stacker.
  • A. Multi-story warehouse
    B. Automatic Multi-story-warehouse
    C. Stereo-style warehouse
    D. Stereoscopic warehouse

  • [单选题]() is based on logistics network, but more computerized and systematized than logistics operation
  • A. Virtual logistics
    B. Imaginary logistics
    C. Thinking logistics
    D. Logistics planning

  • [单选题]SCM (Supply Chain Management)()
  • A. 供应系统管理
    B. 供应链管理
    C. 供应链
    D. 供给链

  • [单选题]Zero stock is the best way for()
  • A. lost control
    B. inventory control
    C. storage cost control
    D. warehouse cost control

  • [单选题]For small and medium-sized companies, those logistics management is still()
  • A. decentralized
    B. centralized
    C. integrated
    D. concentrated

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/gkwyyz.html
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