

来源: 必典考网    发布:2022-04-30     [手机版]    
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1. [多选题]据《素问·上古天真论》的内容,现代人“半百而衰”的原因包括()

A. 以酒为浆
B. 醉以入房
C. 恬恢虚无
D. 不知持满
E. 不时御神

2. [单选题]2010年12月,W自治区A市C食品公司(food company)以出让方式取得了一宗A市城市规划区内的建设用地使用权,用于生产厂房建设,该宗地土地面积为12000m2,出让用途为工业。2014年12月,由于生产经营困难,C食品公司(food company)拟以其中的4500m2土地进行房地产开发,建造商品住宅用于销售,另外7500m2土地由C食品公司(food company)抵押给银行进行贷款。同时,C食品公司(food company)2009~2014年生产经营利润分别为180万元、210万元、240万元、260万元、280万元、300万元。试回答以下问题

A. D

3. [单选题]在Fe-Fe3C相图中,共析线也称为()。

A. A1线
C. ACm线
D. A3线

4. [单选题]哪种疫苗用于暴露后免疫()

A. A、卡介苗
B. B、狂犬疫苗
C. C、乙肝疫苗
D. D、流脑疫苗

5. [多选题]网络教学模式(WBI)应体现的教育教学原则包括()。

A. 循序渐进原则(principle of process)
B. 启发性原则
C. 巩固性原则
D. 直观性原则

6. [单选题]Questions from 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:

A. Questions from 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:
B.   The exporter, as drawer of a draft (bill of exchange), hands the draft to his bank, the remitting bank, who in turn forwards it to the buyer through a collecting bank in the buyer’s country. A draft (also called a bill) is a written order to a bank or a customer to pay someone on demand or at a fixed time in the future a certain sum of money. If shipping documents accompany the draft, the collection is called “documentary collection.”
C.   Documentary collection falls into two major categories: one is documents against payment(D/P); the other, documents against acceptance (D/A).
D.   Documents against payment, as the term suggests, is that the collecting bank will only give the shipping documents representing the title to the goods on the condition that the buyer makes payment.
E.   Where the paying arrangement is D/A, the collecting bank will only give the buyer the shipping documents after buyer’s acceptance of the bill drawn on him, i.e. the buyer signs his name on the bill promising to pay the sum when it matures. In return he gets what he needs – the shipping documents.
F.   Under D/A, the seller gives up the title to the goods – shipping documents before he gets payment of the goods. Therefore, an exporter must think twice before he accepts such paying arrangement.

7. [单选题]电影《小武》的导演是谁()

A. A、谢飞
B. B、田壮壮
C. C、贾樟柯
D. D、陈凯歌

8. [多选题]下面选项中,属于顶板状态参数的是:()。

A. 顶底板移近量
B. 顶板下沉量
C. 支护密度
D. 支护系统刚度

9. [多选题]模数数列是以()为基础扩展的数值系统。

A. 基本模数
B. 建筑模数
C. 扩大模数
D. 分模数
E. 标准模数

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