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    船用柴油机(marine diesel engine)、柴油机气缸套(engine cylinder liner)

  • [单选题]对使用液压撑杆螺栓的正置式主轴承,因其一端顶在轴承盖上,另一端顶在机架上,所以在上紧贯穿螺栓之前,必须先()的撑杆螺栓。

  • A. 上紧全部
    B. 上紧相应
    C. 松开全部
    D. 松开相应

  • 查看答案&解析 查看所有试题
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  • [单选题]Sulzer6RTA84型船用柴油机气缸套最大内径增量为3.6mm,则最大缸径为()。
  • A. 87.6mm
    B. 843.6mm
    C. 687.6mm
    D. 80.4mm

  • [单选题]With VIT unit the timing of fuel injection of an engine can be regulated automatically according to the ().
  • A. ship draft
    B. pitch
    C. engine load
    D. oil viscosity

  • [单选题]The most important factor in engine performance is the actual power output at the end of the crankshaft available for doing workThis is known as ().
  • A. indicated horsepower
    B. brake horsepower
    C. net horsepower
    D. friction horsepower

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/g9zlkw.html
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