

来源: 必典考网    发布:2022-09-27     [手机版]    
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1. [单选题]()has been one of the dominant theme in the development of logistics management. This development began 40 years ago at a local level. Today, many businesses are making efforts to integrate global networks, comprise several tiers of supplier and distributor, and the use of different transport modes and carriers.

A. Integration
B. Business reengineering
C. Supply chain management

2. [单选题]What is the subject of the paragraph?()

A. international trade
B. international transport
C. international logistics
D. international economy

3. [单选题]Customers return the product because of()

A. Quantity
B. Quality
C. Quality control
D. Quality unqualified

4. [单选题]()is the way to deliver goods for different shippers in the same truck by the most economic route.

A. Joint Distribution
B. United Distribution
C. Multiple Delivery
D. Joint Delivery

5. [单选题]()is the general meaning of the contract, bill, note and proof in the process of logistics.

A. Logistics activity
B. Logistics documents
C. Logistics paper
D. Documents

6. [单选题]()is software about the relation between the customer and the supplier in marketing.

A. Customer Relationship Management
B. Customer service
C. Sales planning
D. Distribution channel

7. [单选题]How many categories are there inwater transport?()

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. Not available in the paragraph

8. [单选题]Ocean Bill of loading is the ()between carrier and shipper.

A. evidence of the contract of carriage
B. ocument
C. trading record
D. bill

9. [单选题]The retailer and manufacturer() about 5-10% of their merchandise being returned.

A. forecast
B. anticipate
C. participate
D. record

10. [单选题]FCL的中文意思是()。

A. 先进先出
B. 拼箱货
C. 整箱货
D. 定量订货方式

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