质量管理、解决方案(solution)、操作系统(operating system)、木马病毒(trojan house virus)、暴力破解、管理运筹学、相关规定(relevant regulations)、生产厂家(manufacturer)、分析阶段(analysis phase)、参考答案
[单选题]Many of the activities performed during the preliminary investigation are still being conducted in(1),but in much greater depth than before. During this phase, the analyst must become fully aware of the(2)and must develop enough knowledge about the(3)and the existing systems to enable an effective solution to be proposed and implemented. Besides the(4)for process and data of current system, the deliverable from this phase also includes the(5)for the proposed system.
A. logical models
B. physical models
C. design models
D. implementation models