吞吐量(throughput)、木马病毒(trojan house virus)、娱乐活动(recreation)、暴力破解、接入点(access point)、非正式培训、实际上(actually)、很显然
A. A、非正式培训
B. B、集中办公
C. C、组织娱乐活动让大家互相认识了解
D. D、编写人力资源计划
[单选题]( ) is the process of documenting, analyzing, tracing, prioritizing and agreeing on requirements and then controlling change and communicating to relevant stakeholders. It is a continuous process throughout a project.
A. Integrated management
B. Configuration management
C. Scope management
D. Requirements management
A. A、暴力攻击
B. B、木马病毒
C. C、缓存溢出攻击
D. D、IP欺骗
A. A、拓扑结构的选择
B. B、接入点的位置和供电
C. C、传输速率
D. D、AP的密度和天线的选择
A. A、100MB
B. B、600MB
C. C、1.2GB
D. D、300MB