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  • 【名词&注释】

    阴极保护(cathodic protection)、防腐剂、极限值、电化学腐蚀(electrochemical corrosion)、活塞环(piston ring)、说明书(specification)、活塞杆(piston rod)、保护膜(protective film)、二冲程(two-stroke)

  • [单选题]当十字头式柴油机缸径>700mm时,在未装活塞环的条件下,活塞位于近上、下止点位置时,活塞裙部减磨环处与气缸内孔单边最小间隙应不小于()。

  • A. 该处总间隙的30%
    B. 该处总间隙的20%
    C. 说明书规定极限值的30%
    D. 说明书规定极限值的20%

  • 查看答案&解析 查看所有试题
  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]二冲程(two-stroke)十字头式柴油机活塞运动部件的平台检验主要是检查()零件间的相互位置关系。
  • A. 活塞和活塞杆(piston rod)
    B. 十字头、滑块和连杆
    C. 活塞运动部件
    D. 机座固定件

  • [单选题]为了防止涡轮壳体电化学腐蚀,除用淡水冷却外,可以采用()等方法。Ⅰ.壳体表面覆盖保护膜(protective film);Ⅱ.阴极保护;Ⅲ.阳极保护;Ⅳ.淡水中加防腐剂;Ⅴ.安装防腐锌块。
  • A. Ⅱ+Ⅳ
    B. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅳ+Ⅴ
    C. Ⅰ+Ⅳ+Ⅴ
    D. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅴ

  • [单选题]Care and cleanliness are required when installing diesel fuel filters ().
  • A. to prevent the fuel system from becoming air-hound
    B. to prevent the fuel system becoming clogged with dirty particles
    C. both of the above
    D. to prevent the lubricating oil from leaking out of the filter element

  • [单选题]Fix the fuel injector into () after repair.
  • A. the cylinder liner
    B. the cylinder cover
    C. the cylinder jacket
    D. the pisto

  • [单选题]Oil will lubricate these parts () effectively than water.
  • A. much
    B. more
    C. most
    D. le

  • [单选题]While engine is in operation the piston moves up and down, thus causing the rotation of the ().
  • A. crankcase
    B. slipper
    C. cam housing
    D. crankshaft

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/eyp87e.html
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