《霸王别姬》(farewell my concubine)、决定作用(decisive role)、历史文物(historical relics)、环境决定论(environmental determinism)、突出表现(distinct manifestation)、《红高梁》、风雨飘摇、国际电影节、天真烂漫(artlessness)、最佳故事片
A. (1)对温馨老屋的依恋--老屋凝聚了亲情,提供了心灵的庇护。对沧桑老屋的感慨--老屋见证了世事变迁、年华流逝。(2)句意理解:社会进步速度惊人。本文主旨:通过感叹新房迅速变"老",反映了社会发展给农村带来的巨大变化。表现手法:对比。
[单选题]以下( )场所无条件对未成年人免费开放。
A. 美术馆
B. 图书馆
C. 动物园
D. 博物馆
[单选题]中国大陆第一部荣获柏林国际电影节"金熊奖"的电影是( )。
A. 《本命年》
B. 《一个都不能少》
C. 《霸王别姬》
D. 《红高梁》
[单选题]关于现代教育的"社会目的",下列表述中不恰当的是( )。
A. 传递和保存人类优秀的文化遗产和文明成果
B. 培养能更新传统文化、创新文化,具有批判意识和创新精神的人
C. 培养既能适应现实社会生活同时又能合理改造现实社会生活的人
D. 复制、再生产现有的社会存在模式
[多选题]文化无时不在、无处不在,其对教育的影响是全方位、多方面的,其影响突出表现在( )。
A. 文化传统对教育的影响
B. 思维方式对教育的影响
C. 社会结构与社会生产生活方式对教育的影响
D. 价值取向对教育的影响
[单选题]强调人的身心发展的力量最主要源于人自身的内在需要的是( )。
A. 外铄论
B. 内发论
C. 双因素决定论
D. 多因素相互作用论
[单选题]心理学家舒茨认为最基本的人际关系需要有三类,其中表现为希望与别人发生相互作用,联系并维持和谐关系的是( )。
A. 包容需要
B. 控制需要
C. 尊重需要
D. 情感需要
[单选题]Passage 1
In recent years, however, society has cometo understand the limitations of schoolsthat merely sort and rank students. We have discovered that students in the bottomone-third to one-half of the rank order-plus all who drop out before being ranked--fail to develop the foundational reading,writing, andmathematical proficiencies needed to survivein, let alone contribute to, an increasinglytechnically complex and ethnically diverse culture. So today, in asking schools toleave no child behind, society is askingthat educators raise up the bottom of therank-order distribution to a specified level of competence. We call those expectations our academic achievement standards Every statehas them, and, as a matter of public policy,schools are to be held accountable for lakingsure that all students meet them.
To be clear, the mission of sorting has not been eliminated from the schooling process.For the foreseeable future, students will still be ranked at the end of high school. However,society now dictates that such a celebrationof differences in amount learned must start at a certain minimum level of achievement for all.
The implications of this change in missionfor the role of assessment are profound.
Assessment and grading procedures designedto permit only a few students to succeed(those at the top of the rank-order distribution)must now be revised to permit the possibilitythat all students could succeed at some appropriate level. Furthermore, proceduresthat permitted(perhaps even encouraged)some students to give up in hopelessness andto stop trying must now be replaced by othersthat promote hope and continuous effort.In short, the entire emotional environmentsurrounding the prospect of being evaluatedmust change, especially for perennial low achievers.
The students' mission is no longer merelyto beat other students in the achievementrace. At least part of their goal must be to become competent. Teachers must believethat all students can acnieve a certain levelof academic success, must bring all of theirstudents to believe this of themselves, must accommodate the fact that students learn at different rates by making use of differentiatedinstruction, and must guide all studentstoward the attainment of standards.
The driving dynamic force for students cannot merely be competition for an artificialscarcity of success. Because all students can and must succeed in meeting standards,cooperation and collaboration must come intoplay.The driving forces must be confidence,optimism, and persistence--for all, not justfor some. All students must come to believethat they can succeed at learning if theytry. They must have continuous access to evidence of what they believe to be credible academic success, however small. Thisnew understanding has spawned increasedinterest in formative assessment in recentyears.
Which of the following would happen dueto the change in mission for the role of assessment?
A. Most students would achieve a certainlevel of academic success
B. Educators would raise up the bottomof the rank-order distribution
C. Teachers would help low achievers to beat high achievers successfully
D. Schools would eliminate sorting andranking from the schooling process
[单选题]依据《中华人民共和国未成年人保护法》,对未成年人的社会保护不包括( )。
A. 预防未成年人沉迷网络
B. 禁止拐卖,虐待未成年人
C. 履行监护职责,抚养未成年人
D. 任何人不得在中小学教室吸烟