供应链(supply chain)、供应商(supplier)
[单选题]Pipeline is low cost and reliable. Is it true? ()
A. Dependable
B. Not
C. Yes
D. Not mention here
[单选题]Packaging performs 2 basics functions---marketing and ().
A. Convey product knowledge
B. Promotion
C. Advertising
D. Logistics
[单选题]()links all suppliers and customers as a chain in a certain product and service.
A. contract
B. Business agreement
C. supply chain
D. network
[单选题]()is based on logistics network, but more computerized and systematized than logistics operation .
A. Virtual logistics
B. Imaginary logistics
C. Thinking logistics
D. logistics planning
[单选题]Zero stock is the best way for()
A. lost control
B. inventory control
C. storage cost control
D. warehouse cost control