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  • [单选题]李老师多次得过全省教学比赛一等奖,35岁就评上了高级职称,在学校里还是其他年轻老师的"师傅"。但他仍坚持学习,积极参加教学研讨。有些同事不理解,认为李老师是"劳碌命"。对于李老师的行为,下列说法正确的是( )。

  • A. 教师需要不断提高教育教学水平
    B. 教师发展首先应该考虑团结协作
    C. 中学教师不需要深厚的理论知识
    D. 中学教师应该合理安排闲暇时间

  • 查看答案&解析 查看所有试题
  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]中国研制成功的第一台亿次巨型计算机是( )。
  • A. 银河-I
    B. 银河-II
    C. 巨浪-I
    D. 巨浪-II

  • [单选题]下列选项中,不属于可以解聘教师的法定事由的是( )。
  • A. 体罚学生,屡教不改的
    B. 侮辱学生,影响恶劣的
    C. 连续两年教学业绩排在末位的
    D. 故意不完成教育教学任务造成损失的

  • [单选题]I don't think Helen'll be upset,but I'll see her in case_______.
  • A. she will
    B. she is
    C. she does
    D. she would

  • [多选题]材料:   刚参加工作,我就担任高一(2)班的班主任。一个月过去了,我所带的班自习课上基本没有安静的时刻,学生肆意串桌,嬉笑打闹,纸飞机在教室内飞来飞去。我厉声斥责,摔粉笔盒,还抓过几个捣蛋头罚站,让他们写检查、打扫卫生……办法想了一个又一个,可见效甚微。隔壁杨老师班上却总是静悄悄的。我几次从他们班门前走过,都发现杨老师只是坐在讲台上看书,学生在安静学习。   我纳闷,杨老师有什么"魔法"让学生如此安静?我向她询问管理学生的方法,她微笑着说:"我其实有点不负责任呢。他们嬉闹的时候,我不说一句话,就在那里看书。慢慢地,他们也就安静了。"她说得风轻云淡,可我知道,事情绝没有这么简单。看到我疑惑的样子,杨老师换了一种方式跟我解释:"我曾看过两幅画,都叫《安静》。一幅画的是一个湖,湖面平静如镜,湖中倒映着远山和花草;另一幅画的是激流直泻的瀑布,旁边有一棵小树,小枝丫上有一个鸟巢,巢里一只可爱的小鸟正在酣睡。你觉得哪一幅画更好呢?"   我想了一下,回答说:"后者更好,通过直泻瀑布与酣睡小鸟这一动一静的细节对比,凸显内心的静然。"   "对啊。"杨老师笑着说,"他们不是都喜欢闹吗?那我就来个动静对比,一个人安静地看书。看我安安静静的,他们怎么好意思再嬉闹呢?您知道吗?有时候安静要比喧闹更有力量。"   我豁然开朗。   问题:   请结合材料,从教师职业道德的角度,评析杨老师的教育行为。(14分)
  • A. 【参考答案】 材料中杨老师的教育行为符合教师职业道德规范的相关要求,值得肯定。 首先,杨老师的行为体现了教书育人的道德规范。教书育人要求教师做到遵循教育规律,实施素质教育,循循善诱,诲人不倦,因材施教。材料中,杨老师针对学生的管理纪律方面的做法符合学生的身心发展规律,利用动与静对比的方式更容易引起学生注意,形成学生自律的品质。 其次,杨老师的行为体现了为人师表的道德规范。为人师表要求教师做到严于律己,以身作则,为学生形成良好的榜样。材料中,杨老师自己在热闹的课堂上安静地看书,给学生树立了读书与守纪的榜样,容易引起学生共鸣,从而让学生发挥向师性,向杨老师学习。 最后,杨老师的行为体现了关爱学生的道德规范。关爱学生要求教师做到关心爱护全体学生,尊重学生人格,做学生良师益友。材料中,杨老师对于学生的嬉闹行为能够理解与尊重,而不是一味地采取讽刺、挖苦、歧视学生、体罚或变相体罚学生的手段去加以制止,这种尊重与理解学生的理念符合关爱学生的要求。 综上可知,作为教师在教育教学过程中要充分了解与研究学生、关爱与尊重学生,用自己的言行举止为学生树立良好的榜样,从而促进学生的全面发展。

  • [单选题]一般情况下,一个人对活动的目的、任务的重要意义理解得越清楚、越深刻,对完成任务的愿望越强烈,与完成任务有关的一切事物也就越能引起和保持其( )。
  • A. 无意注意
    B. 有意注意
    C. 有意后注意
    D. 无意后注意

  • [单选题]心理健康的人能够有效地发挥个人的身心潜力以及作为社会一员的( )。
  • A. 积极地社会功能
    B. 应有的责任能力
    C. 应有的责任义务感
    D. 道德精神面貌

  • [多选题]设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材,设计20分钟的英语阅读教学方案。教案没有固定格式,但须包含下列要点:   ●teaching objectives   ●teaching contents   ●key and difficult points   ●major steps and time allocation   ●activities and justifications   教学时间:20分钟   学生概况:某城镇普通中学初中三年级第一学期学生,班级人数40人。多数学生已达到《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》四级水平。学生课堂参与积极性一般。   语言素材: The Difficult Search for American Goods in the US   If you go to another country,what kinds of things would you buy? Would you buy a camera in Japan,some beautiful clothes in France,or a watch in Switzerland? No matter what you may buy,you might think those products were made in those countries.However,you could be wrong.KangJian is a 17-year-old student from Shanghai.last year he went to visit his aunt and uncle in SanFrancisco.He found it interesting that so many products in the local shops were made in China.“Iwanted to buy a toy car for my cousin,but even though most of the toys had American brands,theywere made in China.”   Toys are not the only things made in China.“I wanted to buy a pair of basketball shoes,”he explains.“But I had to visit five or six stores before finding a pair made in American!”He realizedthat American can hardly avoid buying products made in China."In fact,“he continues,”“there wereso many things made in China-footballs,handbags,pet food,mobile phones.Even American flags are made in China!”Kang Jian thinks it's great that China is so good at making these everydaythings.However,he wishes that in the future China will also get better at making high-technologyproducts that people can buy in all parts of the world
  • A. Teaching Contents:A passage about“The Difficult Search for American Goods in the US”.Teaching Objectives:(1) Knowledge objectives①Students can catch the main idea of the passage.②Students can master the usage ofthose,they,it,etc.(2) Ability objectives①Students are able to use“those,they,it,.in their daily conversations.idea and the detailed information of a passage.(3) Emotional objectiveStudents can develop the habit of focusing on national affairs.Teaching Key Point:To further improve students' reading skills like skimming and scanning.Teaching Difficult Point:How to use those,they,it,etC.to refer to some words.Major steps:Step 1 Pre-reading (3 minutes)(1) The teacher asks students to talk about their traveling experience and what they want to buy if they go abroad.(2) The teacher asks students to read the title of the passage and predict what the passage may talk about,(Justification:This step arouses students' interest in the topic of this lesson and trains students' reading abilityto predict the content according to the title.)Step 2 While-reading (13 minutes)((1) Fast readingTask 1:The teacher asks students to read the passage quickly and answer the question.What is the main idea of the passage?Task 2:The teacher asks students to read the passage again and answer the questions.① What two things did Kang Jian want to buy in America?② Where were they made?Afier reading,some students are invited to share their ideas and the teacher gives them proper assessment andpositive reply,(Justification:Students' skimming and scanning ability can be improved through this step,from which they can master the general meaning and get some specific information of the passage.Positive feedback can encouragestudents to participate in class activity.)(2) Careful reaiingTask l:The teacher asks students to read the passage carefully to answer the following questions.① Where did Kang Jian's aunt and uncle live?② What did he discover in the toy stores?③ Why did he have to visit many stores before buying a pair ofbasketball shoes?The teacher asks some students to share their ideas and give them proper assessment.Task 2:The teacher asks students to read the passage again,discuss with their partners about what theunderlined words refer to.① No matter what you may buy,you might think those products were made in those countries.② He found it interesting that so many products in the local shops were made in China.③I wanted to buy a toy car for my cousin,but even though most of the toys had American brands,they weremade in China.Then the teacher explains the usage of“those,it and they”to students and asks them to pay attention to the coherence of the passage.(Justification:This step trains students' skill of careful reading for specific information and improves theirlanguage competence.)Step 3 Post-reading (4 minutes)The teacher divides students into several groups and asks them to discuss:① Why are so many daily things in America made in China?② What high-technology products in China are made in other countries?③ How to change this situation?Then the teacher asks some students to show their answers to the class and gives them feedback.(Justification:The discussion can make students exchange their personal opinions and stimulate their interest innational affairs.).

  • [单选题]综合课中最基本、最主要的组成部分是( )。
  • A. 组织教学
    B. 讲授新教材
    C. 检查复习
    D. 巩固新教材

  • [单选题]对认知的认知称为( )。
  • A. 元认知
    B. 认知结构
    C. 认知策略
    D. 认识

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