

来源: 必典考网    发布:2022-05-20     [手机版]    
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1. [单选题]After completing a commercial transaction, () will execute the transfer of goods from the seller to the buyer in the most-effective manner.

A. Logistics
B. Supply chain
C. Virtual warehouse
D. Transportation

2. [单选题]() is the acquisition of material and services from other companies.

A. Procurement
B. Retailing
C. Wholesaling
D. Outsourcing

3. [单选题]The distribution process value is available in all logistics. Is it correct or not? ()

A. Both
B. Yes
C. Not
D. Not clear

4. [单选题]What promotes Third Part Logistics developing its business? ()

A. Outsourcing
B. Transporting
C. Warehousing
D. Distributing

5. [单选题]()is the method to keep the best inventory level and position with the minimum cost to satisfy the demand

A. Ware house management
B. Inventory control
C. Stock management
D. Storage management

6. [单选题]How long the haul for international deep-sea movement usually?()

A. Very long
B. Ten thousands of miles
C. Thousands of miles
D. Thousands of kilometers

7. [单选题]The bill of lading signed by the shipping company is()

A. S-B/L ( sea-B/L )
B. V-B/L ( Vessel-B/L )
C. seaway bill
D. Ocean-B/L

8. [单选题]()is based on logistics network, but more computerized and systematized than logistics operation .

A. Virtual logistics
B. Imaginary logistics
C. Thinking logistics
D. logistics planning

9. [单选题]The large market share in china’s transportation is ()transport.

A. air
B. rail
C. truck
D. pipeline

10. [单选题]门到站的英文缩写是()。

A. Door to CFS
B. Door to CY
C. Door to Door
D. CFS to CY

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