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[单选题]There is no difference between the environmental logistics and ()one .
A. white
B. red
C. blue
D. green
[单选题]Crude oil carriers often use ()
A. Big ships
B. Huge ships
C. Large container ships
D. Supertankers
[单选题]How many product-related factors are there to influence the transport cost? ()
A. Four
B. Three
C. Two
D. Five
[单选题]Third part Logistics provides () the logistics services.
A. Single
B. Some
C. Simple
D. All
[单选题]Ocean bill of lading is the() between carrier and shipper.
A. evidence of the contract of carriage
B. Document
C. trading record
D. Bill
[单选题]Lean Logisitics的中文意思是()。
A. 精益物流
B. 定制物流
C. 增值物流
D. 虚拟物流