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    人民法院(people court)、骨髓炎(osteomyelitis)、酚妥拉明(phentolamine)、法律行为、提出问题(posing problems)、温度计(thermometer)、不间断(nonbreak)、发生关系、热辐射能

  • [单选题]何药可诱发或加重支气管哮喘()

  • A. 肾上腺素
    B. 普萘洛尔
    C. 酚苄明
    D. 酚妥拉明
    E. 甲氧胺

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  • [单选题]According to this passage,may not be what people are trying to pull off__________.
  • 阅读材料,回答下面的题目。The New Technology ApplicationOn a more mundane level, third-generation mobile telephones, despite all the delays and the billions squandered on 3G licenses by telecom firms, are still expected to offer consumers high-speed, always on mobile internet access, complete with video, in the next few years.Rapidly proliferating "WiFi" networks already offer wireless access on a local basis. Tiny tracking chips called radio-frequency identification devices are being used as pet passports.Soon they will be small, powerful and cheap enough to be implanted into everything form humans to milkcartons recording and transmitting real-time medical data, or serving as a form of inventory control.Sensors of every kind, including video cameras, should also become much smaller and cheaper.Forrester Research, a technology consultancy, predicts that 14 billion such devices will be connected to the internet by 2005.How rapidly such new technology is introduced will depend on a number of factors the state of the economy, the supply of investment capital and the appetite of consumers for new products or services ! Fortunes will be made and lost many times over.But whatever happens, the power of computing and communications look set to continue to grow, and its price to fall, at a steady rate for the next few decades.That will make it possible, at least in rich countries, to record most human interactions, wherever and whenever they take place, and to store and analyze this ocean of data at low cost.For the sake of argument, this survey will assume that we are heading towards a networked society of ubiquitous, mobile Communication capable of constant monitoring.Whether this arrives in 20,30 or 40 years does not really matter.The point is that the destination seems not merely possible, but probable, so it is not toosoon to ask: What do we want this technology to do?The internet has already thrown up a host of legal and political conundrums, but, these are only a small foretaste of the dilemmas about privacy, security, intellectual property and the nature of government itself that will have to be faced over the coming decades.The debate has already begun. This survey will outline some of main issues, and speculate on the way they are likely to go. Radio-frequency identification devices__________.

  • A. a networked society capable of constant monitoring
    B. the widespread application of internet and related technologies
    C. the invention of more devices which can be connected to the internet
    D. mobile communications capable of internet access

  • [单选题]与心痛的发生关系最密切的脏腑是()
  • A. 心、肝、肾
    B. 心、肺、肾
    C. 心、肝、脾
    D. 心、肝、脾、肾
    E. 心、肝、脾、肺、肾

  • [单选题]就无果无效民事法律行为的确认权归属,下列说法正确的是()
  • A. A、只能由人民法院确认,不能由仲裁机关确认
    B. B、只能由仲裁机关确认,不能由人民法院确认
    C. C、既可以由人民法院确认,又可以由仲裁机关确认
    D. D、只能由人民法院或者仲裁机关任选其一

  • [单选题]地锚固定绞车;锚杆露出底座的高度不得大于()mm。
  • A. A、35
    B. B、50
    C. C、75
    D. D、100

  • [多选题]脊髓灰质炎的传播途径()
  • A. 血液传播
    B. 虫媒传播
    C. 粪-口途径
    D. 空气飞沫传播
    E. 经土壤传播

  • [单选题]根据所提供图像,最可能的诊断是()
  • A. A.骨髓炎
    B. B.骨梗死
    C. C.蜂窝织炎
    D. D.以上都有可能
    E. E.以上都不是

  • [单选题]辐射式温度计是利用被测物体的热辐射能量与()有一定的关系,通过测量该能量来测出被测物体的温度。
  • A. 流量
    B. 压力
    C. 温度
    D. 密度

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/eekr9q.html
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