

来源: 必典考网    发布:2022-08-31     [手机版]    
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1. [单选题]船舶在静水中横倾的原因为()。

A. 船舶重心不在纵中剖面上
B. 船舶重心和浮力不相等
C. 船舶重力和浮力没有作用在同一垂线上
D. 重心和浮心距基线距离不相等

2. [单选题]当船舶某装载状态下的某处水线达到水尺标志的数字的()处时,则该处的吃水读数即为该数字。

A. A.顶边缘
B. B.底边缘
C. C.中间
D. D.1/3处

3. [单选题]当船舶某装载状态下的某处水线达到水尺标志的数字的()处时,则该处的吃水为该数字加上10cm。

A. A.顶边缘
B. B.底边缘
C. C.中间
D. D.1/3处

4. [单选题]当漂心位于船中但有拱垂时,按计算的平均吃水的精度()。

A. A.与吃水大小有关
B. B.与拱垂大小有关
C. C.与水密度有关
D. D.与吃水差大小有关

5. [单选题]某万吨轮在淡水中满载吃水为7.00m,进入海水水域后船舶吃水可能为()m。

A. A.6.45
B. B.7.00
C. C.7.10
D. D.7.48

6. [单选题]海水密度的增加()。

A. A.将减小船舶的排水量
B. B.将增加船舶的排水量
C. C.不影响排水量
D. D.对排水量的影响不能确定

7. [单选题]Your vessel is damaged with no list,but down by the stern. There is progressive flooding and trim by the stern is increasing. What is the effect on transverse stability after the deck edge at the stern is submerged?()

A. KB increases,increasing BM and therefore GM
B. KG increases due to the weight of the added water on deck
C. BM decreases from loss of water plane and greater volume
D. There is no effect on transverse stability

8. [单选题]Beams are cambered to().

A. increase their strength
B. provide drainage from the decks
C. relieve deck stress
D. All of the above

9. [单选题]Load line regulations are designed to insure that a vessel has adequate structural strength and sufficient().

A. lifesaving equipment
B. stability
C. mooring tension
D. riser tensio

10. [单选题]To calculate the free surface correction,it is necessary to divide the free-surface moments by the().

A. total weight of liquid loads
B. total displacement
C. lightweight
D. deadweight

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