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    保险人(insurer)、海商法(maritime law)、船舶所有人(shipowner)

  • [单选题]在目前普遍采用的判断船舶碰撞过失的客观标准中,()是判断碰撞责任的基础。

  • A. 驾驶船舶中的过失
    B. 管理船舶中的过失
    C. 管理船员中的过失
    D. A和B

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  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]根据我国海商法,救助方所获得的特别补偿()。
  • A. 只能从船舶所有人处获得
    B. 只能从货主处获得
    C. 只能从船舶保险人处获得
    D. 只能从各被救助方处获得

  • [单选题]If the place named for the loading is simply a port or dock,notice of readiness may be given as soon as the ship arrives()although she is not in the particular spot where the loading is to take place.
  • A. in the loading place
    B. in the port or dock
    C. in the loading spot
    D. in the discharging spot

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/e74q7n.html
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