必典考网发布"We regret to report that a consignment of silk piece goods("考试试题下载及答案,更多(二)单项选择题题库的考试试题下载及答案考试题库请访问必典考网外贸外语题库频道。
[单选题]We regret to report that a consignment of silk piece goods()Order No.567 has not been delivered.
A. with
B. for
C. on
D. under
[单选题]The not ice given by the shipper after the shipment of the goods is called().
A. shipping notice
B. shipping instruction
C. shipping advice
D. shipping documents
[单选题]While()an enquiry,you ought to enquire into quality,specification and price etC.
A. giving
B. offering
C. sending
D. making
[单选题]Our clients asked us to bring down our prices because they consider them()。
A. onthehighside
B. outoflinewith
C. arerunninghigh
D. betoohigh
[单选题]Which of the following aspects is not what an economic union concerns?()
A. common currency
B. harmonized tax rates
C. harmonized tax rate structures
D. common political policy
[单选题]We()some brochures()to illustrate the types of materials we manufacture.
A. enclose;
B. enclose;you
C. enclose;to you
D. enclose you