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    动力装置(power plant)、燃油消耗量(fuel consumption)、静平衡试验(static balance test)、金属丝(wire)、螺旋桨推力(propeller thrust)、螺旋桨静平衡

  • [单选题]在采用金属丝锁紧螺母时,金属丝缠绕螺母的方向应()。

  • A. 与螺母的旋紧方向一致
    B. 与螺母的旋紧方向相反
    C. 任意
    D. 不予要求

  • 查看答案&解析 查看所有试题
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  • [单选题]动力装置燃料消耗率bz指的是动力装置每小时燃油消耗量与()之比。
  • A. 主机指示功率
    B. 主机有效功率
    C. 螺旋桨吸收功率
    D. 螺旋桨推力(propeller thrust)功率

  • [单选题]螺旋桨静平衡试验后,桨叶上不平衡质量超过允许值时,通常应对()进行修整。
  • A. A.质量较小的桨叶
    B. B.质量较大的桨叶
    C. C.每个桨叶
    D. D.质量较小和较大的桨叶

  • [单选题]() of the A-frames there is a strong cast iron frame called the scavenging air box.
  • A. At the top
    B. At the bottom
    C. In the top
    D. In the bottom

  • [单选题]Engine fuel pump index is ().
  • A. the viscosity index
    B. the fuel oil contents
    C. the starting speed
    D. the reading at the rack

  • [单选题]It is well known that good lubrication will () the bearings from becoming overheated.
  • A. present
    B. prevent
    C. avoid
    D. provide

  • [单选题]The overspeeding of the diesel engine driving an electric generator could cause ().
  • A. low voltage trip to trip
    B. reverse power trip to trip
    C. damage to windings
    D. excessive exhaust temperature

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/e0gvg7.html
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