安全阀(safety valve)、热水锅炉(hot water boiler)、热容量(heat capacity)、电接点水位计(electrical probe water level gauge)、排污阀(blowdown valve)、管理部门、主要负责人(person chiefly held responsible)、给水管路(feed unit water line)
A. 95℃
B. 110℃
C. 130℃
D. 120℃
A. A、加大上水。
B. B、打开给水管路(feed unit water line)上的旁路阀给水。
C. C、立即检查排污阀进行放水
D. D、通知顶吹炉停止投料,采取停炉措施
[单选题]《特种设备安全监察条例》规定,特种设备使用单位的主要负责人(person chiefly held responsible)在本单位发生特种设备事故时,不立即组织抢救或者在事故调查处理期间擅离职守或者逃匿的,对主要负责人(person chiefly held responsible),由特种设备安全监督管理部门处()罚款。
A. A、1000元以上5000元以下
B. B、4000元以上2万元以下
C. C、2000元以上2万元以下
D. D、2万元以上5万元以下
[单选题]You issued the following commands to configure setting in RMAN;Then you issued the following command to take the backup:RMAN> BACKUP DATABASE PLUS ARCHIVELOG;Which statement is true about the execution of the above command?()
A. The backup will terminate because the FORMAT clause was not configured for the channel
B. It backs up two copies of data files to tape and disk, and two copies of archived log file on tape
C. It backs up the data files and archived log files to disk, making two copies of each data file and archived log file
D. It backs up the data files and archived log files to tape, making two copies of each data file and archived log file
A. 导电率
B. 密度
C. 热容量
D. 电阻
A. 锅炉所有水位表计损坏
B. 锅炉受热面管爆破不能维持正常水位时
C. 安全阀动作后无法使其回座时或对空排汽门卡住关不严时
D. 锅炉受热面发生泄漏,尚能维持汽包水位时