正确处理(correctly handling)、思想工作(ideological work)、幼儿教育(preschool education)、不足之处、国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要、征求意见(solicit opinions)、发展的战略目标、同盟军(allies)、《中小学教师职业道德规范》、要注意(should be noticed)
A. 家访主要以报喜为主,多说优点、长处,在短处中找长处
B. 肯定了家长的付出,提醒家长今后要注意(should be noticed)的方面
C. 家长和教师是同盟军(allies),只要是家长批评学生的地方,老师都要进一步指责
D. 放下"教育权威"的架子,向家长征求意见,虚心听取他们的批评和建议
[单选题]《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》确立的我国教育发展的战略性目标是( )。
A. 进入人力资源强国行列
B. 进入高等教育强国行列
C. 进入继续教育强国行列
D. 进入幼儿教育强国行列
[单选题]Word2003中,选定一行文本的技巧方法是( )。将鼠标箭头置于目标处,单击
A. 将鼠标箭头置于此行的选定栏并出现选定
B. 光标单击
C. 用鼠标在此行的选定栏双击
D. 用鼠标三击此行
[单选题] There are few more sobering online activities than entering data into college-tuition calculators and gasping as the Web spits back a six-figure sum. But economists say families about to go into debt to fund four years of partying, as well as studying, can console themselves with the knowledge that college is an investment that, unlike many bank stocks, should yield huge dividends.
A 2008 study by two Harvard economists notes that the "labor-market premium to skill"-or the amount college graduates earned that's greater than what high-school graduate earned-decreased for much of the 20th century, but has come back with a vengeance since the 1980s. In 2005, the typical full-time year- round U.S. worker with a four-year college degree earned $50,900,62% more than the $31,500 earned by a worker with only a high-school diploma.
There's no question that going to college is a smart economic choice. But a look at the strange variations in tuition reveals that the choice about which college to attend doesn't come down merely to dollars and cents. Does going to Columbia University (tuition, room and board $49,260 in 2007-08) yield a 40% greater return than attending the Uruversity of Colorado at Boulder as an out-of-state student ($35,542)? Probably not. Does being an out-of-state student at the University of Colorado at Boulder yield twice the amount of income as being an in-state student ($17,380) there? Not likely.
No, in this consumerist age, most buyers aren't evaluating college as an investment, but rather as a consumer product-like a car or clothes or a house. And with such purchases, price is only one of many crucial factors to consider.
As with automobiles, consumers in today's college marketplace have vast choices, and people search for the one that gives them the most comfort and satisfaction in line with their budgets. This accounts for the willingness of people to pay more for different types of experiences (such as attending a private liberal-arts college or going to an out-of-state public school that has a great marine-biology program). And just as two auto purchasers might spend an equal amount of money on very different cars, college students (or, more accurately, their parents) often show a willingness to pay essentially the same price for vastly different products. So which is it? Is college an investment product like a stock or a consumer product like a car? In keeping with the automotive world's hottest consumer trend, maybe it's best to characterize it as a hybrid (混合动力汽车):an expensive consumer product that, over time, will pay rich dividends.
What does the author think about college education?
A. Their employment prospects after graduation are brighter.
B. It's an expensive consumer product that may have rich dividends.
C. It has facilities and learning environment.
D. It will pay rich dividends soon after graduation.