
Doors are generally formed in the () of the both in-line a

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    热处理(heat treatment)、测量法(measurement)、喷油泵(fuel injection pump)、轮机员(engineer)、生产厂家(manufacturer)、不完善(imperfect)、不一定(not always)、光学仪器法

  • [单选题]Doors are generally formed in the () of the both in-line and Vee engines to give maintenance access to the crankshaft main and connecting rod large end bearing.

  • A. bedplates
    B. columns
    C. cylinder blocks
    D. safety ca

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  • [单选题]柱塞-套筒偶件卡紧或咬死是由于()原因所致。Ⅰ.机械杂质;Ⅱ.油压过高;Ⅲ.配合间隙太小;Ⅳ.零件材料热处理不完善(imperfect);Ⅴ.材质不佳。
  • A. A.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ
    B. B.Ⅰ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ+Ⅴ
    C. C.Ⅰ+Ⅳ+Ⅴ
    D. D.Ⅰ+Ⅲ+Ⅴ

  • [单选题]在重新组装回油孔调节式喷油泵时,为了保证齿条刻度指示的零位与柱塞套筒的实际零位(油泵柱塞直槽对准套筒上的回油孔)一致,生产厂家在()之间做了对中记号,轮机员必须将两者对齐。
  • A. 齿条和齿套
    B. 柱塞和套筒
    C. 齿条与泵体
    D. 齿条与套筒

  • [单选题]舵系运动件的同轴度检验采用()。
  • A. 平台测量法
    B. 拉线法
    C. 光学仪器法
    D. 不一定(not always)

  • [单选题]If the water level dropped rapidly in the expansion tank of a closed diesel engine cooling water system, you should suspect a ().
  • A. loss of suction in the circulating pump
    B. leak in the primary cooling system
    C. broken raw water pump shaft
    D. burned or cracked piston in one cylinder

  • [单选题]In diesel engines, the four basic events (intake, compression, power and exhaust) are performed once in ().
  • A. two crankshaft revolutions in a two-stroke/cycle engine
    B. two power strokes in a two-stroke/cycle engine
    C. one power stroke in a two-stroke/cycle engine
    D. two piston strokes in a two-stroke/cycle engine

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