
It is very necessary that each cylinder () before the char

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    润滑油(lubricating oil)、玻璃钢(frp)、橡胶套(rubber tubing product)、螺旋桨轴(propeller shaft)

  • [单选题]It is very necessary that each cylinder () before the charged air is compressed.

  • A. is scavenged
    B. is atomized with fuel oil
    C. be scavenged
    D. be atomized with fuel oil

  • 查看答案&解析 查看所有试题
  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]当液压拉伸器的用油变质时,应采用()清洗液压拉伸器的油腔。
  • A. A.碱性纯净油
    B. B.纯净润滑油
    C. C.纯净气缸油
    D. D.纯净透平油

  • [单选题]水润滑式艉轴工作轴颈包覆(),非工作轴颈包覆()。
  • A. 铜套/塑料
    B. 橡胶套/塑料
    C. 玻璃钢套/橡胶
    D. 铜套/玻璃钢

  • [单选题]带有普通键槽的单螺旋桨轴(propeller shaft)或艉轴其检验间隔期为()。
  • A. 1年
    B. 2年
    C. 3年
    D. 4年

  • [单选题]螺旋桨0.4R以内的缺陷()修理。
  • A. 可焊补
    B. 不可焊补
    C. 一般不可焊补
    D. 可采用喷焊

  • [单选题]铁梨木舵承发生()时应更换。
  • A. 过度磨损
    B. 变形
    C. 开裂
    D. 裂纹

  • [单选题]() in what position the engine stops there will always be at least one of the cylinders with its starting air valve open to admit compressed air to start the engine.
  • A. Because
    B. Owing to
    C. For
    D. No matter

  • [单选题]The design of the connecting rod large end bearing is similar to that of the mainbearings Whats the meaning of "that" in the sentence above?()
  • A. the connecting rod
    B. large end bearing
    C. the main bearing
    D. the desig

  • [单选题]The most important factor that causes the wear of the engine parts is ().
  • A. excessive heat
    B. friction
    C. oxidation
    D. high pressure

  • [单选题]The total starting air capacity required for reversible main engines is to be sufficient for at least ().
  • A. six consecutive starts
    B. eight consecutive starts
    C. ten consecutive starts
    D. twelve consecutive start

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