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1. [单选题]王老师把自己的精力用于培养优秀的学生,很少留意成绩一般的学生,该老师的做法( )。

A. 有助于教学任务的完成
B. 有助于学生的个性发展
C. 违背了公正施教的要求
D. 违背了严慈相济的要求

2. [单选题]我国第一部以马克思主义观点阐述教育问题的著作是杨贤江的( )。

A. 《教育学》
B. 《论共产主义教育》
C. 《新教育大纲》
D. 《民主主义与教育》

3. [单选题]批评传统教育"或多或少地为遥远的未来作准备",提倡"教育是生活的过程,而不是将来生活的准备"的是( )。

A. 杜威
B. 皮亚杰
C. 舒尔曼
D. 谢夫勒

4. [单选题]以下属于元认知计划策略的是( )。

A. 学生拿到教材后为自己设定学习目标
B. 学生在考试中先做简单题目
C. 学生在考试过程中时刻关注自己的做题速度与时间
D. 学生测试结束后检查自己的答案

5. [单选题]在思想,情感,态度和行为上主动接受他人的影响,使自己的态度和行为与他人接近,这被称为( )。

A. 模仿
B. 认同
C. 服从
D. 从众

6. [单选题]抵抗外界诱惑的能力属于( )。

A. 道德认知
B. 道德情感
C. 道德意志
D. 道德行为

7. [单选题]"师者,人之模范",所反映出的教师劳动特点是( )。

A. 学习性
B. 复杂性
C. 创造性
D. 示范性

8. [单选题]Passage 1 NBA centre Jason Collins recently announced he was gay in a cover story for Sports Illustraied. In other words, he "came out of the closet." This expression for revealing one's homosexuality may seem natural. Being in the closet implies hiding from the outside world, and the act of coming out of it implies the will to stop hiding. But though the closet has long been a metaphor for privacy or secrecy, its use with reference to homosexuality is relatively recent. According to George Chauncey's comprehensive history of modern gay culture, Gay New York, the closet metaphor was not used by gay people until the 1960s. Before then, it doesn't appear anywhere "in the records of the gay movement or in the novels, diaries, or letters of gay men and lesbians." "Coming out," however, has long been used in the gay community, but it first meant something different than it does now. "A gay man's coming out originally referred to his being formally presented to the largest collective manifestation of prewar gay society, the enormous dra~; balls that were patterned on the debutante and masquerade balls of the dominant culture and were regularly held in New York, Chicago, New Orleans, Baltimore, and other cities." The phrase "coming out" did not refer to coming out of hiding, but to joining into a society of peers. The phrase was borrowed from the world of debutante balls, where young women "came out" in being officially introduced to society. The gay debutante balls were a matter of public record and often covered in the newspaper, so "coming out" within gay society often meant revealing your sexual orientation in the wider society as well, but the phrase didn't necessarily carry the implication that if you hadn't yet come out, you were keeping it a secret. There were other metaphors for the act of hiding or revealing homosexuality. Gay people could "wear a mask" or "take off the mask". A man could "wear his hair up" or "let his hair down", or "drop hairpins" that would only be recognized by other gay men. It is unclear exactly when gay people start.ed using the closet metaphor, but "it may have been used initially because many men who remained 'covert' thought of their homosexuality as a sort of 'skeleton in the closet'." It may also have come from outsiders who viewed it that way. It seems that "coming out of the closet" was born as a mixture of two metaphors: a debutante proudly stepping into the arms of a community and a shocking secret being kept in hiding. Now the community is the wider community, and the secret is no longer shocking. "Coming out" is a useful phrase, but it need not imply a closet.

What is the main idea of this passage?

A. The phrase "coming out" is used in gay community.
B. The phrase "coming out" means revealing of homosexuality.
C. The meaning of the phrase "coming out" has not changed.
D. The development of the use of "coming out".

9. [单选题]Which of the following is the last step in the process of writing essays?

A. editing the writings.
B. Writing topic sentences for paragraphs.
C. Gathering information and ideas relevant to the topic.
D. Organizing the information and ideas into a logical sequence.

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