

来源: 必典考网    发布:2022-07-04     [手机版]    
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1. [单选题]The use of ()in many ways reduces staffing needs, minimizes in transit damage and theft, shorten time in transit because of reduced port turnaround time.

A. Container
B. Supertanker
C. Pallet
D. Integration

2. [单选题]What is the logistics base module? ()

A. 1200*1000mm
B. 2591*2438mm
C. 600*400mm
D. A, B and C

3. [单选题]What is BPR? ()

A. Business production elation
B. Business promotion relation
C. Business process re-engineering
D. Business placement ratio

4. [单选题]Customers return the product because of()

A. Quantity
B. Quality
C. Quality control
D. Quality unqualified

5. [单选题]()is for the operation ordering and the information exchange by Internet among the firms.

A. Order Processing
B. Order making
C. Electronic Order System (EOS)
D. Order form

6. [单选题]There is no difference between the environmental logistics and ()one.

A. white
B. red
C. blue
D. green

7. [单选题]Air cargo is ()

A. air transport
B. air freight
C. air delivery
D. plane

8. [单选题]()is the way to deliver goods for different shippers in the same truck, by the most economic route.

A. Joint Distribution
B. United Distribution
C. Multiple Delivery
D. Joint Delivery

9. [单选题]()is the method to keep the best inventory level and position with the minimum cost to satisfy the demand.

A. warehouse management
B. Inventory control
C. stock management
D. storage management

10. [单选题]()is the management system to control the material consumed reduce inventory in the manufacture company.


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