
中国古代科举考试中,考取殿试三鼎甲的分别是状元、榜眼和( )

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    写作能力(writing ability)、基本素质(basic quality)、陈述性知识(declarative knowledge)、重要性和必要性(importance and necessity)、引经据典(chapter and verse)、抵触情绪、前后矛盾、内容空洞、文章内容(contents of articles)、各个方面(every aspect)

  • [单选题]中国古代科举考试中,考取殿试三鼎甲的分别是状元、榜眼和( )。

  • A. 举人
    B. 贡生
    C. 探花
    D. 秀才

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  • [多选题]材料:   先贤苏格拉底有句名言"美德即知识",他认为一切美德都离不开知识,知识是美德的基础,知识贯穿于一切美德之中:美德不是孤立存在的一些观念和准则,任何美德都须具备相应的知识,无知的人不会真正有美德。苏格拉底的论述并没有说服所有人,有人对此提出质疑一一"道德可教吗?"   请以依据材料含义进行写作。要求:用规范的现代汉语书写。立意自定,题目自拟;观点明确,分析具体,条理清楚,语言流畅。不少于1000字。
  • A. 【参考范文】论道德养成途径 古希腊教育家苏格拉底将美德与知识等同,由知识的可教而得到美德可教。但是美德又不仅仅是知识,美德可以是"知识"以外的东西,是一种人们践行道德的"见识"。这样,美德就不可能仅仅通过德育的说教与学习获得。在《普罗泰戈拉篇》中,苏格拉底也曾提出过"美德不可教"的命题,这与他的"美德即知识"前后矛盾。道德究竟可教吗?我认为,道德不是单纯由"教"得来的,道德是在有教育的环境中养成的。我认为道德养成的途径有三条:榜样的树立与环境的习染、基本知识的传授、专门的道德知识的教授。 这三条途径的地位是不同的,其中占首要地位的是榜样的树立与环境的习染。由于人的社会属性,无时无刻不处于社会化进程.受到社会各个方面(every aspect)(如家长、教师、同伴、媒体等)的影响,社会氛围无疑在个体道德认知和情感体验及价值判断中占重要地位。关怀理论注重人的情感的关注与培养,通过关怀与理解营造一个充满温情和人文精神的环境,经验会在个体的心理发展中起重要作用,使个体更有可能在看待和对待他人时充满温情。 其次是基本知识的传授。这里的基本知识是指除专门的道德知识以外的知识,并且是指,在学校中进行的有组织地学习知识,既包括学科知识,又包括活动课程知识。虽然各个学科有各自的主要教育目标,但道德教育必然会不可避免地隐含其中一一普通课程的学习可以在生理上和心理上给学生造成影响,从而影响其对道德的情感体验。如在语文的学习中,个体常常会沉醉于优美的文字,产生对祖国独特文化的热爱,这种热爱极有可能在社会行为中转化为维护社会公德的言行,体现了 一个人的道德。一般知识(非德育知识)的学习,可以开阔一个人的眼界,转变其思维方式,使其自然而然处于一种高姿态,从而对社会甚至整个世界有了更深刻的认识和更宏观的把握,而不是只看到表面的、暂时的利害和个人的得失,提高了个人的道德境界。活动课程不仅可以获取知识,同时也把道德实践包含在内,使课程的道德教育功能更全面。 最后为道德知识的教授。道德知识偏重于"教"而非"育",是对社会行为规范的总结与体系化,是独立的德育过程。这种专门知识自成体系,是有意的研究结果,对于培养受教育者的道德意识、规范受教育者的行为有一定作用,但易流于教条主义和口号化,使人产生厌烦甚至抵触情绪。 道德是每个人应追求的品质,但道德的养成不是一朝一夕的事,而是一生要做的功课。学校是学生的主要活动场所,对于学生的道德养成,学校应提供良好的氛围,不但要在知识传授、课程设置以及学校氛围营造上下工夫,而且要给学生道德发展创造适宜的环境。

  • [单选题]分支制是20世纪上半叶( )建立的一种学制。
  • A. 前苏联
    B. 美国
    C. 法国
    D. 日本

  • [单选题]在教育过程中及时地评价,可以使课程更适合学生需要,这说明课程评价具有( )。
  • A. 诊断作用
    B. 改造作用
    C. 鉴定作用
    D. 导向作用

  • [单选题]心理学家安德森将知识分为( )。
  • A. 陈述性知识和策略性知识
    B. 理论知识和实践知识
    C. 感性知识和理性知识
    D. 陈述性知识和程序性知识

  • [单选题]班会可分为生活班会、主题班会和( )。
  • A. 常规班会
    B. 非主题班会
    C. 一般班会
    D. 教育性班会

  • [单选题]Passage 2   According to one account, the hamburgerwas first sold at the Erie County Fair inHamburg, New York, in 1885, by brothersFrank and Charles Menches. The two Ohio brothers had arrived on the grounds of thefair too late to get a supply of chopped porkfor their sandwich concession. The butchersold them beef instead, and after the Buffalo,New York, suburb where they were doing business.Hamburg's claim to be the site ofthe first hamburger is disputed by the townof Seymour, Wisconsin, where a man named Charles Nagreen is claimed to have servedhamburger sandwiches in 1885.   Another story about the origins of theubiquitous burger states that in the late 1800'sFletcher Davis, a potter in Athens, Texas,wasn't selling enough pottery. Therefore heopened a lunch counter. His specialty? Aground-beef patty served between slices ofhome-made bread.In 1904 Davis went to theWorld's Fair in St. Louis, Missouri, with hisrecipe, which was, of course, a big hit. At theFair the ground beef sandwich was deemedthe hamburger, because in Hamburg, Germany,ground beef patties were popular, though thepatties there are more like meat loaf and lack a bun. (lt is believed that 19th-century Germansailors learned about eating raw shredded beef, “Steak Tartare,” in the Baltic Provinces.A German cook eventually had the idea of cooking the Tartare mixture.)   Fletcher Davis is also credited with servingfried potato strips at the World's Fair. A friendin Paris, Texas, had given him the idea, but a reporter thought that Davis said “Paris,France,”and those potatoes are forevermore“French Fries.”Another contender in the“hamburger invention” contest is Louie'sLunch, a Yale off-campus eatery. This NewHaven, Connecticut, site is said to have firstoffered the burger in 1895.   The commercial bun on which hamburgers are now served was created by diner operatorWalter Anderson of Wichita, Kansas, who alsoinvented the modern grill (both events around1916) and then established the chain of White Castle hamburger restaurants.Lionel ClarkSternberger, later proprietor of the Rite Spotsteakhouse in Los Angeles, experimentallytossed a slice of cheese on a hamburger hewas cooking at his father's short-order shop inPasadena, California, in 1924, thus originatingthe cheeseburger.   The word “cheeseburger” was patented byLouis Ballast in 1944. Ballast grilled a slice of cheese onto burgers at his Denver, Colorado,drive-in.   Well, you know the rest-McDonald's, BurgerKing, Wendy's, White Castle, etc.-burgers everywhere. Some good, some so-so. But certainly an all-American favorite. A “classic.”
  • Which of the following best describes the authors tone of writing this article?

  • A. Factual
    B. Critical
    C. Humorous
    D. Sarcastic

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