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    冷却水(cooling water)、零部件(parts)、充分利用(make full use)、警告牌(warning board)

  • [单选题]起航时间的长短与()有关。

  • A. 主机冷却水加温速度
    B. 主机燃油加温速度
    C. 主机滑油加温速度
    D. A+B+C

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  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]要充分利用排气余热而降低废气锅炉出口温度t2,同时还应保证锅炉受热面必需的温度,该温差是()。Ⅰ.排气与给水的温度t2-tw;Ⅱ.排气与蒸汽的温度t2一ts
  • A. 仅Ⅰ对
    B. 仅Ⅱ对
    C. Ⅰ或Ⅱ对
    D. Ⅰ+Ⅱ

  • [单选题]吊缸主机检修时,应当(),以防止伤人和损坏机件。
  • A. 合上盘车机
    B. 脱开盘车机
    C. 在主机操纵部位悬挂警告牌(warning board)
    D. 合上盘车机并在主机操纵部位悬挂警告牌(warning board)

  • [单选题]活塞运动部件失中的原因主要是()。
  • A. 配合件磨损
    B. 发生故障
    C. 装配精度低
    D. 零部件制造精度低

  • [单选题]目前铁梨木艉轴承最好的代用材料是()。
  • A. 赛龙
    B. 尼龙
    C. 卡普龙
    D. 层压胶木

  • [单选题]Shims of different thicknesses are inserted between the shells to enable adjustment of ().
  • A. the bearing clearances
    B. the bearing thickness
    C. the bearing strength
    D. the bridge hardne

  • [单选题]The auxiliary engine and a cgenerator can be connected with ().
  • A. cam
    B. crosshead
    C. bulge
    D. coupling

  • [单选题]Which of the following conditions may need to be reduced when operating a large, low speed, main propulsion, diesel engine at low loads?()
  • A. Injection pressures
    B. Control air supply pressure
    C. Cooling water flow through after-coolers
    D. Lube oil temperature

  • [单选题]In diesel engines, the four basic events (intake, compression, power and exhaust) are performed once in ().
  • A. two crankshaft revolutions in a two-stroke/cycle engine
    B. two power strokes in a two-stroke/cycle engine
    C. one power stroke in a two-stroke/cycle engine
    D. two piston strokes in a two-stroke/cycle engine

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