
22.请阅读Passage 2,完成第1~5题。   Passage 2   teacher

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    必典考网发布"22.请阅读Passage 2,完成第1~5题。   Passage 2   teacher"考试试题下载及答案,更多教师资格证-初中英语的考试试题下载及答案考试题库请访问必典考网初中教师资格频道。

  • [单选题]22.请阅读Passage 2,完成第1~5题。   Passage 2   teacher education provided by U,S.colleges and universities has been routinely criticizedsince its inception in the early nineteenth century,sometimes deservedly.These programs,like non-university programs,are uneven in quality and can be improved.What makes today's criticisms different is an aggressive effort by advocacy groups,and self-proclaimed educational entrepreneursto deregulate the preparation of teachers,and to expand independent,alternative routes intoteaching.   This effort to “disrupt” the field of teacher preparation in the United States has gainedconsiderable “momentum” and legitimacy,with venture capitalists,philanthropy,and the U.S.Department of Education all providing sponsorship and substantial funding.   The strength of this effort is that the United States may quickly seek to dismantle its universitysystem and replace much ofit with independent,private programs.The resulting system of teacherpreparation may differ dramatically in its government,structure,content,and processes moving away from its current location alongside legal,medical,and other professional preparation that pairsacademic degrees with professional training.   Throughout the nation,states are reporting teacher shortages in particular subject areas andgeographical locations,and several states have either passed legislation to lower the standards for becoming a teacher or,like the state of Washington,have looked toward expanding the number ofteacher education providers to try to fill teaching vacancies.The federal government has contributedto the push to lower standards for becoming a teacher with the teacher Preparation Academyprovision in the new K-12 education law,the Every Student Succeeds act,which encourages statesto expand the number ofindependent programs not associated with colleges and universities.   Because of the increasing tuition rates,a consequence in part,of cuts in funding to publicuniversities that continue to educate most U.S.teachers,enrollments in college and universityteacher education programs have declined in many parts of the country.Independent teacher education programs are being viewed by some as an important part of the solution in staffing thenation's classrooms and addressing our serious and enduring problems in education inequities.Additionally,advocacy groups,philanthropists,and so-called education entrepreneurs are working aggressively to expand these independent alternative routes into teaching.   Given the seriousness of the teacher shortage problem in the United States and the substantialmedia attention that has been given to independent teacher education programs as the solutionto teacher shortages and education inequities,policy makers should very carefully examine the evidence that exists about the nature and impact of these relatively new programs that are rapidly expanding while university teacher education enrollments decline.

  • What can be inferred from Paragraph l about criticisms against teacher education?

  • A. The criticisms have been increasing.
    B. The criticisms may not be welljustified sometimes.
    C. The criticisms mainly focus on the quality ofnon-university programs.
    D. The criticisms usually come from advocacy groups and so-called educational entrepreneurs.

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  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]大陆漂移说是一种解释地壳运动和海陆分布、演变的科学假说,为板块构造学说的建立和发展奠定了基础,对地球科学的发展起到了很大的推动作用。下列人物中,正式提出该学说的是( )。
  • A. 培根
    B. 洪堡
    C. 魏格纳
    D. 达尔文

  • [单选题]爸爸询问青青所喜欢的学科。她调皮地说:"我不像喜欢英语那样喜欢语文,也不像喜欢化学那样喜欢物理;不像喜欢语文那样喜欢化学,也不想喜欢数学那样喜欢英语。"下列学科,依青青喜好的成都,由高到底排序正确的是( )。
  • A. 数学英语语文化学物理
    B. 数学语文英语物理化学
    C. 语文英语数学化学物理
    D. 语文数学英语物理化学

  • [单选题]学生学习正方形,这种学习属于( )。
  • A. 词汇学习
    B. 符号学习
    C. 概念学习
    D. 命题学习

  • [单选题]芳芳今年16岁,其父好赌成性,家里外债累累。父亲出于无奈与债主李某达成协议,当芳芳年满18岁时将同李某成婚。父亲的行为( )。
  • A. 构成了犯罪,应负刑事责任
    B. 侵犯了芳芳的人身自由权
    C. 严重违反了《中华人民共和国未成年人保护法》
    D. 没有构成犯罪,给予警告即可

  • [单选题]传统教育走向现代教育,其重要标志是产生了( )。
  • A. 杜威的儿童中心思想
    B. 赫尔巴特的教师中心思想
    C. 布鲁纳的结构主义思想
    D. 卢梭的自然主义思想

  • [单选题]下列选项中,作家和作品的对应正确的是( )。
  • A. 罗贯中-《西游记》
    B. 施耐庵-《三国演义》
    C. 蒲松龄-《水浒传》
    D. 曹雪芹-《红楼梦》

  • [多选题]阅读下面材料,根据要求作文。   博览群书总还是要的,读书人喜欢说"腹有诗书气自华",但仔细想想,在人身上真正起作用的,一定是真正读懂、读通、读化了的那几部书。   要求:   用规范的现代汉语写作。自定立意,自拟题目,自选文本。不少于800字。
  • A. 【参考范文】参考范文:读书如熬粥 宋真宗说:"书中自有千钟粟,书中自有黄金屋,书中自有颜如玉。"培根说:"读书使人成为完善的人。"爱迪生说:"读书对于智慧,就像体操对于身体一样"。读书是人类认识世界最简单的途径,这一认知放诸古今中外皆准。但同样是读书,为什么有人读出了一个天下,有人读出了满腹经纶,有人读出了锦绣文章,有人却只会"纸上谈兵",有人却读过即忘。很简单,这和同样是熬粥,有人能熬得鲜香诱人,有人熬出来的却难以下咽一样。 熬粥要选择好米、好水,熬粥要有耐心,须持续,需文火慢炖。读书需要选择好书,需要耐心细读,需经年累月。 读书,贵在选择。世上的书籍浩如烟海,再热衷的书迷也不可能穷尽,只能取一瓢饮。更何况书还有好坏之别,不是随便翻开书本都有益,也不是舀到瓢里都是"水",必须对饮哪一瓢有所选择。周国平先生谈自己读书的体会,有些"鸡肋"之书,弃之可惜,想粗读一遍,也算对得起它们,可这样的书也有很多,对得起它们的代价就是始终对不起自己。所以"还是要从最好的书读起,一直去读那些最好的书,最后当然没有时间去读较差的书了,不过这就对了"。读好书的目的还在于它关乎人的精神发育。如果不加选择,所读并非精品力作,而是赝品"水货",就不仅浪费了时间和精力,而且还会败坏阅读"胃口",影响精神发育,同时也是对生命的一种浪费、对学习的一种亵渎。读好书就是要阅读经典。经典是历经时间的淘漉而筛存馈赠给我们的"真金",它是人类精神的阳光,是人类最崇高的创造。读这样的书才能使我们思想澄明、视界敞亮,成为富有思想和智慧的人。 读书,贵在耐心细读。晋代陈寿和南朝裴松之都说"读书百遍,其义自见";苏轼诗云"故书不厌百回读,熟读深思子自知";金代文学家元好问诗云"文须字字作,亦要字字读。咀嚼有余味,百过良未足"。心急火燎是读不了书的,囫囵吞枣更不会有什么收获,读书不在于读得多少,而在于真正读懂了多少,消化了多少。而反观社会,随着经济社会和科技的发展,人们生活节奏加快,竞争日趋激烈,生活压力大,空闲时间少,能够耐心细读一本书的人越来越少,满足于走马观花、浮光掠影式阅读的越来越多。熬粥,须用文火,方能烹出每一粒米的香糯,读书亦应拿出老牛吃草的耐心,慢慢咀嚼,方能妙悟语言,对话作者,在对作品的深情凝眸中获得心灵的智慧。 读书,贵在持之以恒。心血来潮,高兴时拼命读,兴头过后就丢弃一旁,永远读不好书。真要读书,须善耐寂寞,甘守孤独,持之以恒。一个读书少年向陶渊明求教。陶渊明带他来到田边,指着尺把高的禾苗问:"你仔细瞧瞧,它现在是否在长高呢?"少年蹲下来目不转睛地盯着禾苗,看了半天,说:"没见长啊。"陶渊明反问:"真的没见长吗?那么,春天的秧苗又是怎样变成尺把高的呢?"少年不解地摇头。陶渊明开导说:"其实这禾苗每时每刻都在生长,只是我们没察觉到。读书学习也是这样。知识的增长是一点一滴积累的,有时自己都察觉不到。但只要勤学不辍,持之以恒,就会由知之不多变为知之甚多。所以,有人说:‘勤学如春起之苗,不见增长,日有所长。'"读书是一项长期工程,并非朝夕之功。茶余饭后,课间课外,每个紧张忙碌的生活缝隙里,展书一卷,捧在手里,看在眼里,印在心里,用一辈子的时间去对话好书、研读好书,未尝不是一种满足。 有人说读书就要博览群书,但我却认为只有用心选择的书才能契合心灵,才能塌下心来真正走进去;有人说浅阅读才能让人上知天文下知地理,但我却认为,只有读懂、读通、读化一本书,才能被人体消化吸收,成为滋养人体的最佳补品;有人说到用时方读书才是不浪费时间的明智之举,但我却认为持之以恒地读书,让读书成为一种习惯,让读书融进一个人的血液,读书之用才能让人享用不尽,受益无穷。

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