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    工作时间(working time)、蒸汽压力(steam pressure)、锅炉蒸发量

  • [单选题]废气锅炉的蒸汽压力和蒸发量的选择应是()。

  • A. 蒸汽压力有所降低时可获得更多余热和废气锅炉蒸发量
    B. 蒸汽压力有所提高时可获得更多余热和废气锅炉蒸发量
    C. 蒸汽压力降低时则废气锅炉蒸发量减小
    D. A,B,C均可

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  • [单选题]某设备的λ=0.0001,工作时间为50O0h,则R(5000)为()。
  • A. 0.99
    B. 0.0948
    C. 0.6065
    D. 0.3679

  • [单选题]Which of the following may lead to the engine NOT to start on air?()
  • A. starting air pressure too high
    B. correct timing of starting air valves
    C. three of the six starting valves stuck
    D. the turning gear disengaged

  • [单选题]If the temperature drops low enough, oil will not flow, () just tell us the temperature.
  • A. Hash point
    B. Viscosity
    C. Pour point
    D. Cetane number

  • [单选题]Camshafts are usually driven by timing gears or ().
  • A. push rods
    B. chain drives
    C. rocker arms
    D. flywheel

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/d788dq.html
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