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    润滑油(lubricating oil)、螺旋桨(propeller)

  • [单选题]艉轴管装置是用以()、密封船体不使海水进入艉轴承和防止润滑油溢出的设备。

  • A. 构成艉轴承
    B. 构成轴系
    C. 支承艉轴和螺旋桨
    D. 支承艉轴衬套

  • 查看答案&解析 查看所有试题
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  • [单选题]吊缸过程中,在活塞组件吊出之前应先进行()工作。
  • A. 清洁
    B. 涂饱和气缸油
    C. 清除磨台
    D. 准备起吊工具

  • [单选题]Doors are generally formed in the () of the both in-line and Vee engines to give maintenance access to the crankshaft main and connecting rod large end bearing.
  • A. bedplates
    B. columns
    C. cylinder blocks
    D. safety ca

  • [单选题]The cap and new shell are tightened up and then removed and the thickness of the wire measured by ().
  • A. a bridge gauge
    B. a micrometer
    C. a thermometer
    D. a indicator

  • [单选题]The main factor which determines the output of each cylinder is ()
  • A. the cylinder weight
    B. the cylinder bore
    C. the cylinder length
    D. the cylinder cover

  • [单选题]The selection of an oil from the () depends to a great extent on the operating conditions, the design of the engine and the type of fuel to be burned.
  • A. commercially available
    B. commercially
    C. commercial available
    D. commerce available

  • [单选题]To prevent the build up of high stresses engine must not be run continuously ().
  • A. faster than dead slow speed
    B. slower than dead slow speed
    C. with the output of MCR
    D. at critical speed

  • [单选题]When a crankshaft () outside the engine, it should be carefully supported in a manner which will avoid imposing high bending moments on it.
  • A. has to be handled
    B. may be handled
    C. has being handled
    D. will be handling

  • [单选题]After a normal, or safety shutdown, automatic combustion control systems for an auxiliary boiler are designed to prevent the immediate refiring of a burner in order for the ().
  • A. furnace to be re-purged
    B. electric charge to buildup in the igniter
    C. fuel pump to restart
    D. dram level to stabilize

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/d6zokq.html
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