
How can he do so much work? He ________ stay late at the off

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  • 【名词&注释】

    形容词(adjective)、办公室(office)、无约束(unconstrained)、不符合(inconformity)、中枢化学感受器(central chemoreceptor)、带回家、氧分压降低(oxygen partial pressure)

  • [单选题]How can he do so much work? He ________ stay late at the office every evening and take work home at weekends.

  • A. need
    B. can
    C. might
    D. must

  • 查看答案&解析 查看所有试题
  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]My daughter tells me that it is fashionable to wear jeans that are very ________around the waist.
  • A. loose
    B. lose
    C. free
    D. restrict

  • [单选题]It isn’t quite ________ that their team will win the game this evening.
  • A. exact
    B. right
    C. sure
    D. certain

  • [单选题]血中氧分压降低(oxygen partial pressure)导致呼吸加强的原因是直接兴奋(  )
  • A. 延髓呼吸中枢
    B. 呼吸调整中枢
    C. 外周化学感受器
    D. 中枢化学感受器
    E. 肺牵张感受器

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/d3pn73.html
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