
Tom is snobbish,always________the infiuential people.

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    必典考网发布"Tom is snobbish,always________the infiuential people."考试试题下载及答案,更多教师资格证-初中英语的考试试题下载及答案考试题库请访问必典考网初中教师资格频道。

  • [单选题]Tom is snobbish,always________the infiuential people.

  • A. making out for
    B. making up
    C. making up to
    D. making up for

  • 查看答案&解析 查看所有试题
  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]下列哪个现象反映的是视觉适应?( )
  • A. 夜幕下,蓝色物体要比黄色物体更亮一些
    B. 不管是白天还是晚上,看到树叶的颜色总是绿的
    C. 直升机的螺旋桨高速旋转后,不能再观察到每片桨叶
    D. 值夜班的消防员佩戴红色眼镜在室内灯光下活动

  • [单选题]为了解决名词术语脱离事物,抽象概念脱离具体形象,教师应在教学过程中注意( )原则。
  • A. 理论联系实际
    B. 直观性
    C. 巩固性
    D. 启发性

  • [单选题]在PowerPoint中,"格式"下拉菜单中的( )命令可以用来改变某一幻灯片的布局。
  • A. 背景
    B. 幻灯片版式
    C. 幻灯片配色方案
    D. 字体

  • [单选题]教师组织课外活动( )。
  • A. 比课堂教学要求低
    B. 更强调教师的权威
    C. 更有明确的目的
    D. 没有明确目的

  • [单选题]设立学校及其他教育机构,不包括下列哪项( )基本条件。
  • A. 有合格的教师
    B. 必备的办学资金和稳定的经济来源
    C. 有足够充足的学生
    D. 有组织机构和章程

  • [多选题]教师的期望效应是罗森塔尔通过研究发现的。( )
  • A. √

  • [单选题]Passage 2   According to one account, the hamburgerwas first sold at the Erie County Fair inHamburg, New York, in 1885, by brothersFrank and Charles Menches. The two Ohio brothers had arrived on the grounds of thefair too late to get a supply of chopped porkfor their sandwich concession. The butchersold them beef instead, and after the Buffalo,New York, suburb where they were doing business.Hamburg's claim to be the site ofthe first hamburger is disputed by the townof Seymour, Wisconsin, where a man named Charles Nagreen is claimed to have servedhamburger sandwiches in 1885.   Another story about the origins of theubiquitous burger states that in the late 1800'sFletcher Davis, a potter in Athens, Texas,wasn't selling enough pottery. Therefore heopened a lunch counter. His specialty? Aground-beef patty served between slices ofhome-made bread.In 1904 Davis went to theWorld's Fair in St. Louis, Missouri, with hisrecipe, which was, of course, a big hit. At theFair the ground beef sandwich was deemedthe hamburger, because in Hamburg, Germany,ground beef patties were popular, though thepatties there are more like meat loaf and lack a bun. (lt is believed that 19th-century Germansailors learned about eating raw shredded beef, “Steak Tartare,” in the Baltic Provinces.A German cook eventually had the idea of cooking the Tartare mixture.)   Fletcher Davis is also credited with servingfried potato strips at the World's Fair. A friendin Paris, Texas, had given him the idea, but a reporter thought that Davis said “Paris,France,”and those potatoes are forevermore“French Fries.”Another contender in the“hamburger invention” contest is Louie'sLunch, a Yale off-campus eatery. This NewHaven, Connecticut, site is said to have firstoffered the burger in 1895.   The commercial bun on which hamburgers are now served was created by diner operatorWalter Anderson of Wichita, Kansas, who alsoinvented the modern grill (both events around1916) and then established the chain of White Castle hamburger restaurants.Lionel ClarkSternberger, later proprietor of the Rite Spotsteakhouse in Los Angeles, experimentallytossed a slice of cheese on a hamburger hewas cooking at his father's short-order shop inPasadena, California, in 1924, thus originatingthe cheeseburger.   The word “cheeseburger” was patented byLouis Ballast in 1944. Ballast grilled a slice of cheese onto burgers at his Denver, Colorado,drive-in.   Well, you know the rest-McDonald's, BurgerKing, Wendy's, White Castle, etc.-burgers everywhere. Some good, some so-so. But certainly an all-American favorite. A “classic.”
  • How did Fletcher Davis make a living beforestarting to sell his“hamburgers”?

  • A. He was a sailor in Germany
    B. He sold fried potato strips
    C. He opened a lunch counter
    D. He sold pottery products

  • [单选题]课间,小莉正在同学面前大声朗读小娟的日记,被走进教室的小娟发现,小娟找到班主任诉说此事,班主任最恰当的做法是( )。
  • A. 制止小莉这种行为
    B. 批评小娟总是告状
    C. 劝说小莉不要声张
    D. 劝说小娟宽容小莉

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