必典考网发布"《中华人民共和国宪法》规定,国家的法律监督机关是( )。"考试试题下载及答案,更多教师资格证-初中英语的考试试题下载及答案考试题库请访问必典考网初中教师资格频道。
[单选题]《中华人民共和国宪法》规定,国家的法律监督机关是( )。
A. 中华人民共和国人民检察院
B. 中华人民共和国监察委员会
C. 全国人民代表大会常务委员会
D. 中华人民共和国人民法院
[单选题]Passage 1
Self-driving vehicles threaten to sendtruck drivers to the unemployment office.Computer programs can now write journalistic accounts of sporting events and stock pricemovements. There are even computers that can grade essay exams with reasonable accuracy, which could revolutionize my ownjoB.Increasingly, machines are providing notonly the brawn but the brains, too. And thatraises the question of where humans fit intothis picture---who will prosper and who won'tin this new kind of machine economy?
Within five years we are likely to have theworld's best education, or close to it, online and free. But not everyone will sit down andgo through the material without a professorpushing them to do the work.
Those who are motivated to use onlineresources will do much, much better in thegeneration to come. lt's already the case thatthe best students from India are at the topin many Coursera classes, putting America's arguably less motivated bright young peopleto shame. “Free” doesn't really help you if you don't make an effort.
Your smartphone will record data on yourlife and, when asked, will tell you what to do,drawing on data from your home or fromyour spouse and friends if need be.“You'vethrown out that bread the last three timesyou've bought it, give it a pass ”will be a textmessage of the future. How about “Now isnot the time to start another argument withyour wife”? The GPS is just the beginningof computer-guided instruction. Take yoursmartphone on a date, and it might vibrate inyour pocket to indicate“Kiss her now.”If youhesitate for fear of being seen as pushy, it maywrite:“Who cares if you look bad? You aresampling optimally in the quest for a lifetime companion.”Those who won't listen, or whorebel out of spite, will be missing out onglittering prizes. Those of us who listen, whileoften envied, may feel more like puppets with deflated pride.
A lot of jobs will consist of makingpeople feel either very good or very bad about themselves. Coaches, mentors and disciplinarians will spread to many areas oflife, at least for those of us who can stand tolisten to them. These people will cajole us,flatter us and shame us into improving ourlives, our work habits and our consumption.That's why so many people go to yoga classinstead of relying on the podcast. Managerswho are motivators of first-rate talent will seetheir earnings continue to rise.
Computing and software will make it easierto measure performance and productivity.It will be harder to gloss over our failings andmaintain self-deception. In essence, everyonewill suffer the fate of professional chessplayers, who will always know when they havelost a game, have an exact numerical ratingfor their overall performance, and find excusesfor failure hard to come by.
Individuals will have many measures oftheir proficiency.They will have an incentiveto disclose that information to get the betterjob or social opportunity. You will assume theworst about those who keep secrets, and soopenness will reign. Many of us will hate theidea of Big Data.
What makes the instructions sent bysmartphonesvaluable and reliable for peoplewhen doing things?
A. A global positioning system installedin all smartphones
B. Information collected and elicited bysmartphones from your life
C. An optimal sampling software to storeinformation in smartphones
D. Vibrations smartphones make in yourpocket as a constant reminder
[单选题]一个学生总是一遍遍地数课本或其他图书的人物数目或自己走过了多少台阶,判定这个学生可能有的心理问题是( )。
A. 学习困难综合征
B. 焦虑反应
C. 厌学症
D. 强迫症行为
[单选题]以下属于元认知计划策略的是( )。
A. 学生拿到教材后为自己设定学习目标
B. 学生在考试中先做简单题目
C. 学生在考试过程中时刻关注自己的做题速度与时间
D. 学生测试结束后检查自己的答案
A. 这种说法是错误的。教学方法是为完成教学任务而采用的办法,包括教师教的方法和学生学的方法,是教师引导学生掌握知识技能、获得身心发展的方法。教学方法选用的依据主要有教学目标和教学任务的要求;课程性质和特点(教学内容);学生年龄特征;教学时间、设备、条件;教师业务水平、实际经验和个性特点。此外,教学方法的选择还要考虑教学手段、教学环境、教学原则、学校的实际情况等因素。因此,题干的说法是错误的。