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  • 【名词&注释】

    水压试验(hydrostatic test)、安全阀(safety valve)、增压器(turbocharger)、气缸套(cylinder liner)、喷油器(injector)、转子动平衡(rotor balancing)、活塞环槽(piston ring groove)、发动机凸轮轴

  • [单选题]增压器转子动平衡(rotor balancing)检验后,要求达到()。

  • A. e≤[e]
    B. e≥[e]?
    C. FR≤[FR]
    D. FR≥[FR]

  • 查看答案&解析 查看所有试题
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  • [单选题]发动机换向所需的时间是指()。
  • A. 转速为零时,由发出换向命令到主机以相反方向开始工作的时间
    B. 主机在最低稳定转速时,由发出换向命令到主机以相反方向开始工作的时间
    C. 由执行换向命令到发动机凸轮轴换向到位发出反馈信号为止的时间
    D. 由执行换向命令到发动机相反方向运转并达到要求转速的时间

  • [单选题]船上吊缸检修中一般不需进行()。
  • A. 气缸盖、气缸套的0.7MPa水压试验
    B. 气缸套、活塞环、活塞环槽(piston ring groove)的磨损测量
    C. 天地间隙、搭口间隙的测量
    D. 活塞环弹力检验

  • [单选题]吊缸检修时,对气缸盖应着重检查()的损坏情况。
  • A. A.冷却侧
    B. B.触火面
    C. C.喷油器和安全阀
    D. D.示功阀和起动阀

  • [单选题]The carbon deposits on the piston crown and in the ring grooves ().
  • A. should be scraped
    B. should be derusted
    C. should be drilled out
    D. to be brushed off

  • [单选题]The outside diameter of the pipe is () the diameter of the bore of the piston rod, the result being that an annular space formed between the piston rod and the pipe.
  • A. less than
    B. greater than
    C. equal to
    D. twice larger tha

  • [单选题]The principal difference between loop scavenging and crossflow scavenging, as used in single acting diesel engines, is the ()
  • A. direction of air flow within the cylinder
    B. sequence of port opening
    C. method of opening exhaust ports
    D. volume of air admitted to the cylinder

  • [单选题]What does a pyrometer measure on a diesel engine? ()
  • A. Water temperature
    B. Water pressure
    C. Exhaust temperature
    D. Air box pressure

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/9w9vyz.html
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