封建社会(feudal society)、不良行为(bad behavior)、春秋时期(spring and autumn period)、科举考试(imperial examination)、个别差异(individual differences)、教师期望效应(teacher expectancy effect)、人格尊严权(right of personal dignity)、治国平天下、华夏民族、重要著作(important works)
[单选题]教师不得因为各种理由随意对学生进行搜查,不得对学生关禁闭,这是由学生的( )。
A. 人格尊严权(right of personal dignity)决定的
B. 人身自由权决定的
C. 隐私权决定的
D. 名誉权决定的
[单选题]四书五经是中国封建社会正统的教育内容,下列不属于四书的是( )。
A. 大学
B. 中庸
C. 论语
D. 春秋
[单选题]信息在短时记忆中一般只保持( )秒钟。
A. 1~2
B. 20~40
C. 60~70
D. 70~80
[单选题]在实际教学中,教师不能突袭(比如,应该学习新知识,却进行考试),不利于学生学习。这种做法的依据是学习的( )。
A. 准备律
B. 练习律
C. 效果律
D. 刺激
[单选题]取得重大成功后的狂喜,惨遭失败后的绝望,这种情绪状态是( )。
A. 心境
B. 激情
C. 应激
D. 热情
[单选题]学校常常运用"不准随地吐痰""不准乱扔垃圾"等道德禁令来约束学生的不良行为。从德育层次的角度说,这属于( )。
A. 道德理想教育
B. 道德原则教育
C. 道德规则教育
D. 道德境界教育
[单选题]( )阶段是教师关注学生的个别差异性。
A. 关注生存
B. 关注学生
C. 关注成绩
D. 关注发展
[多选题]在实际的教育情境里,教师对学生的期望并不一定会发生自我应验的预言效应。( )
A. √
[单选题] A proverb allegedly from ancient China was widely spread in the west:"If you want to be happy for a few hours, go to get drunk; if you want a lifetime happiness, take up gardening." The reason for the last option is this: Gardening is not only useful, but it helps you to identify yourself with nature, and thus brings you new joy each day besides improving your health.
A research of a US university that I've read gives a definition of happiness as what makes a person feel comfortably pleased. To put it specifically, happiness is an active state of mind where one thinks one's life is meaningful, satisfactory and comfortable. This should be something lasting rather than transitory.
Lots of people regard it the happiest to be at leisure. But according to a study, it is not a person with plenty of leisure but one at work that feels happy, especially those busy with work having little time for leisure. Happiness does not spell gains one is after but a desire to harvest what one is seeking for. People often do not cherish what they already have but yearn for what they cannot get. That is somewhat like a man indulging in fond dreams of numerous lovers while reluctant to settle down with the woman beside him.
Happiness is a game balancing between two ends-what one has and what one wishes for,e.g. one's dream and the possibility to realize it. The study comes to this conclusion: A happy man is one who aims high but never forgets his actual situation; one who meets challenges that tap his ability and potentiality; one who is proud of his achievements and the recognition given to him. He has self-respect and self-confidence; treasures his own identity and loves freedom. He is sociable and enjoys wide-range communication with others; he is helpful and ready to accept assistance. He knows he is able to endure sufferings and frustrations; he is sensible enough to get fun from daily chores. He is a man capable of love and passion.
Which of the following is more likely to be unhappy according to the study?
A. The one who has self-esteem and has confidence in himself.
B. The one who is ambitious regardless of his actual situation.
C. The one who can take pleasure in communicating with others.
D. The one who always helps others and also accepts help from others.