垂直距离(vertical dimension)、具体情况(concrete conditions)、基平面(base plane)、上边缘(coboundary)
A. A.尾倾且漂心在船中前
B. B.尾倾且漂心在船中后
C. C.首倾且漂心在船中后
D. D.A或C
A. A.4ft3in
B. B.4ft9in
C. C.5ft
D. D.5ft3in
A. A.上边缘(coboundary)
B. B.中心
C. C.下边缘
D. D.视具体情况而定
A. A.8ft6in
B. B.9ft
C. C.9ft3in
D. D.9ft6in
A. A.减少
B. B.增加
C. C.不变
D. D.变化不定
A. A.0.175
B. B.0.35
C. C.0.55
D. D.0.60
[单选题]The amount of freeboard which a ship possesses has a tremendous effect on its().
A. initial stability
B. free surface
C. stability at large angles of inclination
D. permeability
[单选题]The point to which your vessel’s center of gravity (G) may rise and still permit the vessel to have positive stability is called the().
A. metacentric point
B. metacenter
C. metacentric radius
D. tipping center