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    润滑油(lubricating oil)、空压机(air compressor)、液压油(hydraulic oil)

  • [单选题]发动机连续起动次数取决于()和()。

  • A. 空气瓶容积/空压机功率
    B. 空气瓶容积/主机起动性能
    C. 空压机功率/空压机台数
    D. 空压机数量/空压机台数

  • 查看答案&解析 查看所有试题
  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]在船上拆下来的针阀偶件应该用()浸泡清洗。
  • A. A.汽油
    B. B.煤油
    C. C.液压油
    D. D.标准润滑油

  • [单选题]Smaller engines can be made more rigid than large ones and may not have ().
  • A. through bolts
    B. dividing walls
    C. sloping surfaces
    D. relative angle

  • [单选题]The replacement piping for diesel engine high pressure fuel systems must be the same length and diameter as the original piping to ().
  • A. avoid unnecessary pints inventory
    B. keep torsional vibration constant
    C. use existing supports and braces
    D. maintain specified injection characteristic

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/9v0yqw.html
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