
迷走神经传出纤维的冲动可看作是(  )

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    毛泽东(mao tse-tung)、大气压(atmospheric pressure)、帝国主义(imperialism)、比目鱼肌(soleus)、《论持久战》、《星星之火、中国民主革命(chinese democratic revolution)

  • [单选题]迷走神经传出纤维的冲动可看作是(  )

  • A. 控制系统
    B. 受控系统
    C. 控制信息
    D. 反馈信息
    E. 干扰信息

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  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]毛泽东阐述关于中国民主革命(chinese democratic revolution)新道路理论的著作是
  • A. 《星星之火,可以燎原》
    B. 《论反对日本帝国主义的策略》
    C. 《论持久战》
    D. 《新民主主义论》

  • [单选题]By selling special coffee at a coffee cafe, the students are________
  • 回答下面的题目 Every morning, kids from a local high school are working hard.They are making and selling special coffee at a coffee oaf6.They are also making a lot of money.These students can make up to twelve hundred dollars a day.They are selling their special coffee to airplane passengers.After the students get paid, the rest of the money goes to helping a local youth project.These high school students use a space in the Oakland airport.It is usually very crowded.Many people who fly on the planes like to drink the special coffee.One customer thinks that the coffee costs a lot but it is good and worth it.Most customers are pleasant but some are unhappy.They do not like it if the coffee cafe is not open for business.The students earn $6.10 an hour plus tips.They also get school credit while they learn how to run a business.Many of the students enjoy the work although it took some time to learn how to do it.They have to learn how to steam milk, load the pots, and add flavor.It takes some skill and sometimes mistakes are made.The most common mistake is forgetting to add the coffee.Based on the passage, it seems that the purpose of the cafe is to________

  • A. gaining a lot of experience
    B. making a lot of money
    C. having a lot of trouble
    D. learning a lot of knowledge

  • [单选题]__________
  • 根据以下内容,回答下面的题目。Investors can _51_ money simply by loaning it.The money they loan is called capital.Security (担保) is an expensive item which the borrower mortgages (抵押) to the investor to show that he intends to _52_ the debt.The way investors make money on loans is to charge interest.Interest is money that _53_ pay to investors for the use of their money.Interest is usually a certain percentage of the capital.Investors sometimes _54 ten percent or more interest per year.The interest may be calculated daily, monthly, or yearly.The interest must be _55_ before the capital can be repaid.If the interest is not _56_ the agreed rate, the interest is added _57_ the capital.Then the borrower has _58_ pay interest on the unpaid interest _59_ on the capital.A debt can grow quickly this way.If the total of the capital and accumulated interest gets too high, the investor will take _60_ of the item used as security and sell it to get his money back.__________

  • A. borrowers
    B. lenders
    C. peoples
    D. others

  • [多选题]吸气末肺内压 (  )
  • A. 大于大气压
    B. 小于大气压
    C. 等于大气压
    D. 等于呼吸末肺内压
    E. 等于呼吸末胸内压

  • [单选题]小腿三头肌(  )
  • A. 由腓骨长肌和比目鱼肌构成
    B. 比目鱼肌起自内、外侧髁
    C. 以跟腱止于跟骨结节
    D. 可使足跖屈并内翻
    E. 受腓总神经支配

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/9lzjdx.html
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