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    塑性变形(plastic deformation)、柴油机(diesel engine)、填料函(stuffing box)

  • [单选题]当气阀阀面烧穿出现边缘孔洞时应()工艺修复。

  • A. 喷涂或喷焊
    B. 换新
    C. 堆焊
    D. 镀铬或镀铁

  • 查看答案&解析 查看所有试题
  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]主机吊缸时必须明确拆卸范围,如吊B&W柴油机的活塞,其填料函一般();吊SULZER柴油机的活塞,其填料函一般()。
  • A. 必须一起吊出/必须一起吊出
    B. 不用一起吊出/必须一起吊出
    C. 必须一起吊出/不用一起吊出
    D. 不用一起吊出/不用一起吊出

  • [单选题]液压拉伸器是利用油压使螺栓()后轻易地上紧或松脱螺栓。
  • A. 受拉
    B. 产生变形
    C. 产生弹性变形
    D. 产生塑性变形

  • [单选题]常规船的轴系包括()。
  • A. 中间轴和中间轴承
    B. 艉轴和艉轴承
    C. 艉轴和艉轴承
    D. 船轴及其轴承

  • [单选题]If the engine does start on air, but combustion does not immediately begin, the cause may not be ().
  • A. low compression
    B. failure of the fuel pump to discharge fuel
    C. incorrect timing of fuel pump
    D. turning gear being still o

  • [单选题]The cooling water temperature () over a period of 8 hours, and then shut down.
  • A. should be gradually increased
    B. should be gradually reduced
    C. should be constantly kept
    D. should be varied up and dow

  • [单选题]The main bearing shells often have a thin () of lead or indium to provide a layer giving protection against corrosion.
  • A. flange
    B. flash
    C. plate
    D. sheet

  • [单选题]You must take good care of the drainage cock of the air control systemBecause () leads scale formed which might malfunction the pilot control valve and other instruments.
  • A. the temperature
    B. the rust
    C. the pressure
    D. the humidity

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/9lpkoz.html
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