
We are sorry to find that the damage()the goods was caused

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    必典考网发布"We are sorry to find that the damage()the goods was caused"考试试题下载及答案,更多(二)单项选择题题库的考试试题下载及答案考试题库请访问必典考网外贸外语题库频道。

  • [单选题]We are sorry to find that the damage()the goods was caused by heavy rain during transportation.

  • A. on
    B. for
    C. about
    D. to

  • 查看答案&解析 查看所有试题
  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]We are in receipt of your letter dated Jan 8, ____ we are pleased to learn that you want to order 100 tons of the subject goods.
  • A. in which
    B. from which
    C. to which
    D. at which

  • [单选题]Pleases end us the amendment()L/C immediately or we shall not be able to ship your order on time.
  • A. of
    B. to
    C. asto
    D. with

  • [单选题]We()some brochures()to illustrate the types of materials we manufacture.
  • A. enclose,
    B. enclose,you
    C. enclose,to you
    D. enclose you,

  • [单选题]()heavy commitments, we cannot accept any fresh orders.
  • A. A.Due
    B. B.Owing to
    C. C.Because
    D. D.In addition to

  • [单选题]After inspection of the above shipment we found 5 cases().
  • A. losing
    B. missing
    C. lost
    D. missed

  • [单选题]()are subsidies or tax rebates paid by government to encourage them to export.
  • A. Export mission
    B. Export incentives
    C. Export financing
    D. Export tariffs

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/9kl6xz.html
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