

来源: 必典考网    发布:2022-06-05     [手机版]    
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1. [单选题]CIP has something in common with CIF. However, there are still some differences which makes CIP more suitable for the export business of an inland place. () is suitable for any mode of transport.


2. [单选题]what kind of products do the air carriers deliver? ()

A. The high value
B. Low density or weight
C. A and B
D. Shortest time to transport

3. [单选题]Which area is the most commodities shipped in water transport?()

A. In international deep sea
B. In lakes
C. In river and canals
D. Coastal ocean

4. [单选题]What is BPR? ()

A. Business production elation
B. Business promotion relation
C. Business process re-engineering
D. Business placement ratio

5. [单选题]What is the same meaning of reverse distribution? ()

A. Sales
B. Sales and logistics
C. Returned logistics
D. Back and forth

6. [单选题]()doesn’t need to change package of goods or to stop in any place between the origin and the destination point.

A. Through transport
B. Transfer transport
C. Combined transport
D. Motor transport

7. [单选题]()is a logistics center where most inbound goods are the whole truckload and most outbound goods are small pieces.

A. Collecting center
B. Collection goods center
C. Consolidation center
D. Deconsolidation center

8. [单选题]()Which area is the most commodity shipped in water transport?

A. In international deep sea
B. In lakes
C. In river and canals
D. Coastal ocean

9. [单选题]()is software about the relation between the customer and the supplier in marketing.

B. CustomerRelationshipManagement(CRM) ;
D. CustomerService ; ;
F. Salesplanning ; ;
H. Distributionchannel

10. [单选题]()is based on logistics network, but more computerized and systematized than logistics operation .

A. Virtual logistics
B. Imaginary logistics
C. Thinking logistics
D. logistics planning

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