
Your vessel is damaged with no list,but down by the stern.

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    必典考网发布"Your vessel is damaged with no list,but down by the stern."考试试题下载及答案,更多船舶浮性题库的考试试题下载及答案考试题库请访问必典考网海上货物运输题库频道。

  • [单选题]Your vessel is damaged with no list,but down by the stern. There is progressive flooding and trim by the stern is increasing. What is the effect on transverse stability after the deck edge at the stern is submerged?()

  • A. KB increases,increasing BM and therefore GM
    B. KG increases due to the weight of the added water on deck
    C. BM decreases from loss of water plane and greater volume
    D. There is no effect on transverse stability

  • 查看答案&解析 查看所有试题
  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]某万吨轮在淡水中满载吃水为7.00m,进入海水水域后船舶吃水可能为()m。
  • A. A.6.45
    B. B.7.00
    C. C.7.10
    D. D.7.48

  • [单选题]将少量载荷装于船舶漂心垂线处时,则船舶()。
  • A. A.首尾吃水不变
    B. B.吃水差不变,平行下沉
    C. C.首吃水减少,尾吃水增加
    D. D.首吃水增加,尾吃水减少

  • [单选题]A neutral equilibrium position for a vessel means that the metacenter is().
  • A. lower than the keel
    B. at the same height as the center of gravity
    C. exactly at midships
    D. at the center of the waterplane area

  • [单选题]The difference between the starboard and port drafts due to wind or seas is called().
  • A. list
    B. heel
    C. trim
    D. flotatio

  • [单选题]The magnitude of a moment is the product of the force and().
  • A. time
    B. lever arm
    C. displacement
    D. angle of inclinatio

  • [单选题]The primary purpose of a load line is to establish required().
  • A. minimum freeboard
    B. GM
    C. transverse stability
    D. fresh water allowance

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