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  • 【名词&注释】

    毛泽东(mao tse-tung)、科学技术(science and technology)、阶级斗争(class struggle)、历史知识(historical knowledge)、人民民主专政(people democratic dictatorship)、不断发展(continuous development)、阶级矛盾(class contradiction)、将革命进行到底(carrying out the revolution)、社会矛盾运动

  • [单选题]人类社会发展的根本动力是

  • A. 人们需要的不断增长
    B. 科学技术的不断发展
    C. 阶级矛盾(class contradiction)和阶级斗争的发展
    D. 社会矛盾运动

  • 查看答案&解析 查看所有试题
  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]1948年12月30日,毛泽东在以下哪篇文章中首次公开使用“人民民主专政”的概念(  )
  • A. 《在七届二中全会上的报告》
    B. 《中国人民解放军布告》
    C. 《将革命进行到底(carrying out the revolution)
    D. 《论人民民主专政》

  • [单选题]From here, we can see the bridge ________ construction.
  • A. below
    B. under
    C. by
    D. with

  • [单选题]The reason why all the solar energy falling on the earth can’t be utilized is that ______.
  • 根据以下内容,回答下面的题目。The energy which the sun radiates goes in every direction, and only a minute part of it falls on the earth.Even so, it represents power of about 5,000,000 horsepower (马力) per square mile per day; the sun gives us as much energy every miunte as mankind utilizes in a year.At present, we use this energy indirectly, and it is our final source of power.Coal represents the chemical action of the sun on green plants thousands of years ago.Water power results from the rain formed by vapor which comes from the evaporation of water under the sunshine.Even windmills operate because of air currents set in motion by the different heating affects of the sun in different places.Some day, through chemistry or some type of solar engine, we shall harness this great source of energy more directly.Already a scientist has worked out an engine, surprisingly efficient, in which the sun’s rays are concentrated through mirrors on a tube of water to create steam.How much energy given off by the sun reaches the earth?

  • A. only a very small part is available
    B. the sun is too distant from the earth
    C. it takes thousands of years for this energy to be stored up in coal and oil
    D. our scientific knowledge is not sufficient

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