
What is not usually a concern when loading a single-hulled t

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  • 【名词&注释】

    垂直距离(vertical dimension)、外力作用(exogenous process)、具体情况(concrete conditions)、基平面(base plane)、上边缘(coboundary)

  • [单选题]What is not usually a concern when loading a single-hulled tanker?()

  • A. Bending moments
    B. Initial stability
    C. Draft
    D. Trim

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  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]船舶受外力作用发生纵倾前后的重力(),重心位置()。
  • A. A.相等;不变
    B. B.相等;改变
    C. C.不等;改变
    D. D.不等;不变

  • [单选题]实际平均吃水是指在船舶中线面上,从正浮水线沿垂直于基平面的方向量到龙骨板()的垂直距离。
  • A. A.上边缘(coboundary)
    B. B.中心
    C. C.下边缘
    D. D.视具体情况而定

  • [单选题]The TPC curve,one of the hydrostatic curves in a vessel’s plans,gives the number of tons().
  • A. necessary to change the angle of list 1°at a given draft
    B. necessary to change trim 1 cm at a given draft
    C. pressure per square cm on the vessel's hull at a given draft
    D. necessary to further immerse the vessel 1 cm at a given draft

  • [单选题]()refers to the depth of a vessel below the waterline,measured vertically to the lowest part of the hull,propellers or other reference points.
  • A. Free board
    B. Stability height
    C. Metacentric height
    D. Draft

  • [单选题]The point to which your vessel’s center of gravity (G) may rise and still permit the vessel to have positive stability is called the().
  • A. metacentric point
    B. metacenter
    C. metacentric radius
    D. tipping center

  • [单选题]The term that indicates how many tons of cargo a vessel can carry is().
  • A. bale cubic
    B. deadweight
    C. gross tonnage
    D. loaded displacement

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/9gexd6.html
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