行为习惯(behavior habit)、大亚湾核电站(baya bay nuclear power plant)、中小学班主任、发展需要、不同之处、代表人物(representative)、建成投产(built up which)、功利性动机(utilitarian motivation)、德智体美劳、生产劳动相结合
[单选题]在教育起源问题上,认为教育的产生完全来自动物本能的观点是( )。
A. 主物起源说
B. 神话起源说
C. 心理起源说
D. 芳动起源说
[单选题]关于班主任的配备与选聘,下列说法不正确的是( )。
A. 每个班级配一名班主任
B. 专职班主任制度
C. 担任时间连续1年以上
D. 爱岗敬业,具有较强的教育引导和组织管理能力
[单选题]下列选项中,属于原子能的和平开发利用的是( )。
A. 中国第一颗原子弹爆炸成功
B. 中国第一颗氢弹爆炸成功
C. 导弹核武器试验成功
D. 秦山核电站和大亚湾核电站相继建成投产(built up which)
[单选题]我国当前的教育目的:"培养( )等全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人。"
A. 德智体美劳
B. 德智体美
C. 德智体
D. 德智
[单选题]下列选项中不属于想象基本形式的是( )。
A. 创造
B. 黏合
C. 夸张
D. 典型化
[多选题]德育是培养良好的思维习惯:智育是培养细节的行为习惯。( )
A. ×
[单选题]In a Direct Method classroom,grammar is learned inductively through__________activities.
A. listening and speaking
B. translating and reading
C. writing and reading
D. listening and reading
[单选题]21.请阅读Passage 1,完成第1~5小题。
Passage 1
There are two kinds of motive for engaging in any activity:internal and instrumental.If ascientist conducts research because she wants to discover important facts about the world,that'san internal motive,since discovering facts is inherently related to the activity of research.If sheconducts research because she wants to achieve scholarly renown,that's an instrumental motive,since the relation between fame and research is not so inherent.Often,people have both for doingthings.
What mix of motives-internal or instrumental or both-is most conducive to success? Youmight suppose that a scientist motivated by a desire to discover facts and by a desire to achieverenown will do better work than a scientist motivated by just one of those desires.Surely twomotives are better than one.But as we and our colleagues argue in a paper newly published in theProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,instrumental motives are not always an asset andcan actually be counterproductive to success.
We analyzed data drawn from 11,320 cadetsin nine entering classes at the United StatesMilitary Academy at West Point,all of whom rated how much each of a set of motives influencedtheir decision to attend the academy.The motives included things like a desire to get a good job laterin life and a desire to be trained as a leader in the United States Army.
How did the cadets fare,years later? How did their progress relate to their original motives forattending West Point?
We found,unsurprisingly,that the stronger their internal reasons were to attend West Point,themore likely cadets were to graduate and become commissioned officers.Also unsurprisingly,cadetswith internal motives did better in the military (as evidenced by early promotion recommendations)than did those without internal motives and were also more likely to stay in the military after theirfive years ofmandatory service.
Remarkably,cadets with strong internal and strong instrumental motives for attending WestPoint performed worse on every measure than did those with strong internal motives but weakinstrumental ones.They were less likely to graduate,less outstanding as military officers and lesscommitted to staying in the military.
Our study suggests that efforts should be made to structure activities so that instrumental consequences do not become motives.Helping people focus on the meaning and impact of theirwork,rather than on,say,the financial returns it will bring,may be the best way to improve not onlythe quality oftheir work but also their financial success.
There is a temptation among educators and instructors to use whatever motivational tools areavailable to recruit participants or improve performance.If the desire for military excellence andservice to country fails to attract all the recruits that the Army needs,then perhaps appeals to “moneyfor college,”“career training”or“seeing the world”will do the job.While this strategy may luremore recruits,it may also yield worse soldiers.Similarly,for students uninterested in learning,financial incentives for good attendance or pizza parties for high performance may prompt them toparticipate,but it may result in less well-educated students.
According to the passage,which of the following is conducive to career success?
A. Strong internal and strong instrumental motives.
B. Strong internal and weak instrumental motives.
C. Weak internal and strong instrumental motives.
D. Weak internal and weak instrumental motives.