1. [单选题]船舶浮力作用线垂直于船舶()。
A. A.甲板线
B. B.水线面
C. C.龙骨基线
D. D.以上都是
2. [单选题]当船舶有纵倾和横倾时,平均吃水为()。
A. A.首中尾的平均吃水加漂心修正
B. B.首尾的平均吃水加漂心修正
C. C.左右舷的六面平均吃水加漂心修正
D. D.左舷首中尾的平均吃水加漂心修正
3. [单选题]船舶的平均吃水通常是指船舶()处的吃水。
A. A.漂心
B. B.稳心
C. C.重心
D. D.船中
4. [单选题]For a floating vessel,the center of flotation is the point in the waterplane().
A. about which the vessel lists and trims
B. which coincides with the center of buoyancy
C. which,in the absence of external forces,is always vertically aligned with the center of gravity
D. which is shown in the hydrostatic tables as VCB
5. [单选题]When a vessel is inclined by an external force,the().
A. shape of the vessel's underwater hull remains the same
B. vessel's center of gravity shifts to the center of the vessel's underwater hull
C. vessel's center of buoyancy shifts to the center of the vessel's underwater hull
D. vessel's mean draft increase