
VRML is a(1)for 3D multimedia and shared virtual worlds on

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  • 【名词&注释】

    虚拟社区(virtual community)、心理因素(psychological factors)、虚拟现实(virtual reality)、轻量级(lightweight)、营养素(nutrient)、摄入量、娱乐性(entertainment)、长时间(long time)、经济困难(economic difficulty)、继续发展(continue to develop)

  • [单选题]VRML is a(1)for 3D multimedia and shared virtual worlds on the WWW.In comparison to HTML, VRML adds the next level of interaction,structured graphics,andextra(2)(z and time)to the presentation of documents.The applications of VRMLare(3),ranging from simple business graphics to entertaining WWW page graphics, manufacturing,scientific,entertainment,and educational applications,and 3D shared virtual worlds and communities. X3D is the name under wluch the development of VRML is continueD.X3D is based on XML andis backwards(4)with VRML.Furthermore,it is componentized,profiled, and extensible,which makes it possible to use X3D in very different(5),from high-end visualizations to lightweight applications.

  • A. B

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  • [多选题]治疗脑瘫常用的物理治疗方法包括()
  • A. Bobath法
    B. 引导式教育
    C. Vojta法
    D. 运动再学习
    E. PNF法

  • [单选题]成人膳食脂肪适宜摄入量以占总能量百分比计算为()
  • A. 5%~8%
    B. 10%~15%
    C. 20%~30%
    D. 35%~40%
    E. 45%~50%

  • [单选题]下列哪项不是孕前期的内容()。
  • A. 经济困难(economic difficulty),居住拥挤不属于不利于妊娠的心理因素
    B. 知道夫妇选择最贱的受孕时期
    C. 长时间(long time)药物避孕者应停药改为工具避孕半年后再妊娠
    D. 积极治疗对妊娠有影响的疾病
    E. 对有不良产史者、遗传病、传染病者应接受产前咨询

  • [单选题]BLP模型中,判定集中,no代表()
  • A. 请求被执行
    B. 请求被拒绝
    C. 系统出错
    D. 请求出错

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/98rrw.html
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