
Failure of fuel injection is usually due to trouble in the

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    润滑油(lubricating oil)、热应力(thermal stress)、液压油(hydraulic oil)、船舶动力装置(marine power plant)、轻柴油(light diesel oil)

  • [单选题]Failure of fuel injection is usually due to trouble in the ().

  • A. exhaust valves
    B. mechanical lubricators
    C. cooling water pumps
    D. fuel injection pum

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  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]船舶动力装置中的辅助装置是()。
  • A. 特指发电装置
    B. 特指辅助锅炉装置
    C. 除推进装置以外的其他产生能量的装置
    D. B+A

  • [单选题]柴油机气缸盖产生裂纹的根本原因是()造成的。Ⅰ.过大的热应力;Ⅱ.应力集中;Ⅲ.热疲劳;Ⅳ.机械疲劳;Ⅴ.综合疲劳。
  • A. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ
    B. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅴ
    C. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ
    D. Ⅲ+Ⅳ

  • [单选题]液压拉伸器的液压系统中应使用纯净的()。
  • A. 液压油
    B. 轻柴油(light diesel oil)
    C. 润滑油
    D. 气缸油

  • [单选题]在水平平面内,当曲柄的两个主轴承位置偏左,曲轴轴线呈左弧线弯曲(即呈“(”形)时,该曲柄的臂距差Δ-为()值。
  • A. 正
    B. 负
    C. 零
    D. 正或零

  • [单选题]铁梨木轴承产生()时应予以部分或全部换新。
  • A. 变形与开裂
    B. 磨损
    C. 轴承间隙超差
    D. 腐蚀

  • [单选题]The sequence of parts in a generally used fuel oil supply system for a main engine is ()(1)tanks in the double bottom(2)centrifuges(3)service tank(4)settling tank(5)viscosity regulator
  • A. (1)-(2)-(4)-(3)-(5)
    B. (1)-(4)-(2)-(3)-(5)
    C. (1)-(3)-(2)-(4)-(5)
    D. (1)-(5)-(4)-(2)-(3)

  • [单选题]Improper maintenance of an automatic auxiliary boiler oil burner could result in ().
  • A. fuel pump failure
    B. fan motor failure
    C. increased feedwater consumption
    D. decreased boiler efficiency

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/8x9yyr.html
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