职业道德(professional ethics)、行政处罚(administrative punishment)、爱岗敬业(cherishing the job devotionally)、情节严重(gravity of the circumstances)、显著标志(obvious sign)、清正廉洁、责令赔偿损失(order to make compensation forlosses)、构成犯罪(a crime)、榜样示范作用、《中华人民共和国教师法》
[单选题]赵某违反学校管理制度,被校长在全校教师会议上点名批评,赵某听说后,不辨是非,将校长打成重伤,依法对赵某追究( )。
A. 违宪责任
B. 行政责任
C. 刑事责任
D. 一般责任
A. 为人师表
B. 清正廉洁
C. 爱岗敬业
D. 团结协作
[单选题]把握问题的本质和关键信息,摒弃无关因素,并在头脑中形成有关问题的初步印象,即形成问题的表征的过程,就是( )。
A. 发现问题
B. 提出问题
C. 明确问题
D. 分解问题
[单选题]What purpose do post-listening activities NOT serve?
A. Helping students relate the text with their personal experience.
B. Offering students the opportunities of extending other language skills.
C. Practicing students' ability ofmatching the pre-listing predictions with contents ofthe text.
D. Enabling students to have a discussion about the topic.