白细胞(leukocyte)、参考值(reference value)、轴对称(axisymmetric)、自由自在(lightheartedness)、一部分(part)、尿沉渣计数、一般过去时(the simple past)
[单选题]依次填人下列句子中最恰当的一组词是 ( )①嗜血成性的敌人仗着他们人多,工事坚固,一步不退,拼命______ 。 ②一个老农捧起一把泥土,仔细______,想鉴定它究竟适宜种植什么谷物和蔬菜。 ③下午便得到噩耗,说是卫队居然开枪,死伤至数百人,而刘和珍在______之列。 ④掐线工人心里有谱,不用在铜胎上打稿,就能______地粘成图画。
A. 抵抗 端详 遇难 随意驱遣
B. 抵抗 审度 遇害 自由自在
C. 顽抗 审度 遇难 自由自在
D. 顽抗 端详 遇害 随意驱遣
[单选题]The development of the light bulb ________partly as a result of the widespread availability of electricity and the need for cheap, clean light.
A. occurring
B. was occurring
C. was occurred
D. occurred
[单选题]________ their luggage, the tourists hurried to the airport.
A. Packed
B. After packed
C. Having packed
D. Packing
[单选题]If you_________see Mr.Jim,you give him my regards.
A. would
B. shall
C. should
D. will
[单选题]一Cars moved very slowly in the l920’s.一Yes,but they_________move more quickly than 1910.
A. were to
B. did
C. will
D. can
[单选题]函数y=x2-1和y=1-x2的图像关于( ) (A)坐标原点对称 (B)x轴对称 (C)y轴对称 (D)直线茗+Y=0对称
A. B
[单选题]函数y-=ƒ(x)满足ƒ(1)=2ƒ″(1)=0,且当x<1时,ƒ″(x)<0;当x>1时,ƒ″(x)>0,则有( ).
A. x=1是驻点
B. x=1是极值点
C. x=1是拐点
D. 点(1,2)是拐点
[单选题]尿沉渣计数(Addis计数)中白细胞的参考值为( )
A. <10万/12h
B. <15万/12h
C. <50万/12h
D. <100万/12h
E. <150万/12h