
The disadvantage above mentioned can be overcome by ()

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    必典考网发布"The disadvantage above mentioned can be overcome by ()"考试试题下载及答案,更多物流英语综合练习题库的考试试题下载及答案考试题库请访问必典考网物流员(四级)题库频道。

  • [单选题]The disadvantage above mentioned can be overcome by ()

  • A. combined transport
    B. More frequency
    C. Fast train
    D. More flexible

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  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]() is the acquisition of material and services from other companies.
  • A. Procurement
    B. Retailing
    C. Wholesaling
    D. Outsourcing

  • [单选题]The advantages of () include better accuracy, customer service, precise control of transportation and data analysis capabilities to anyone capable of using the virtual database.
  • A. GPS
    B. Information system
    C. Virtual warehousing
    D. Communication system

  • [单选题]Crude oil carriers often use ()
  • A. Big ships
    B. Huge ships
    C. Large container ships
    D. Supertankers

  • [单选题]()has three parts: warehouse, high story shelf and stacker.
  • A. Multi-story warehouse
    B. Automatic Multi-story-warehouse
    C. Stereo-style warehouse
    D. Stereoscopic warehouse

  • [单选题]()is the way to deliver goods for different shippers in the same truck by the most economic route.
  • A. Joint distribution
    B. United distribution
    C. Multiple deliveries
    D. joint delivery

  • [单选题]What is the meaning of “short hauls”?()
  • A. Near way
    B. The distance is not long
    C. Direct line
    D. Short road

  • [单选题]()doesn’t need to change package of goods or to stop in any place between the origin and destination point.
  • A. Through transport
    B. Transfer transport
    C. combined transport
    D. Motor transport

  • [单选题]Virtual Logisitics的中文意思是()。
  • A. 精益物流
    B. 定制物流
    C. 增值物流
    D. 虚拟物流

  • [单选题]有效顾客反应的英文缩写是()。
  • A. EOQ
    B. ECR
    C. QR
    D. CRM

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/8qvln4.html
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